Chapter 1 - The Dawn

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Let me know what you think, ive never published a story before :/

I gazed down. My toes hung over the edge. I deserved it. I was ready.

Your wondering how i got here?

3 weeks ago
*juicylips1556 is online*
Me: Good morning you son of a gun.
Lauren: Morning beautiful. What is todays shoe pick?
Me: My red pumps :/
Lauren: Ew. No hunny >:(
Me: Im gonna let that one slide.
Lauren: Jessica Greenwood, im forbiding you from those disgusting shoes.
Me: They go with my outfit, right?
Lauren is typing...

"Jess, put your coat on. Its cold outside." mother bellched running down while aplying lipstick.
"But why would i have to mum, if you dropping me off-"
"Im on duty today hunny, i dont even have time for breakfast. Gotta run" i rolled my eyes back to the computer screen.
*One new message*
Lauren: If you wear them, i swear i will rip them off your feet, taking your legs with them.
Me: Your worried about what Rachels gonna say, arent you?
Lauren: i dont want her dissing my bestie.
Me: if it means that much to you, fine I'll change :)
Lauren: Wear your white Converse :D
I chuckled at that comment.
Me: See you at school :P
*juicylips1556 logged off*

After changing shoes, i swung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door. I hesitated as i reached the door frame, knowing i had left something behind. My feet turned and i walked back to retrieve my phone. Dont you think i forgot about you so easily. Yes, i talk to my phone. I made my way to Sams house, she only lived a few doors down. I approched her door bell and rang it.

Hurry up, sam. we're gonna be late...

"Im coming!" Jeez, she's loud.

As i impaciently waited, i noticed the floor was tending a new door matt.
'home sweet home' It wrote. I admired it until Sam burst open the door sarcastically screaming "And the boys come running". My eyes trailed up and down. Nothing special. I gave her a sarcastic closed mouth smile, leaving a 'seriously?' look.

"Lets get going." she peeked at my shoes followed by a sigh of reliefe.

"You too?" I said cocking an eyebrow.

"The red ones are bat crap ugly," I gigled at her review of my pumps.

"Shut up and walk, okay?" I demanded as she shrugged her shoulders.

We had arrived at school and sam was still describing the gorgeous guy she met on facebook. I dont believe in online relasionships, even though i havent really been in one. I was 16 therefore i was of legal age to tend a facebook acount. My over-protective mother had a different aporoch.

"Sam, how can you trust some stranger. How dont you know he's a stalker, rapist or perv?" Not that the last two are any different.

"He's special, okay. You'll know what im feeling when eventually someone asks you out," Ouch, that one hurt.

"First of all, I dont want a boyfriend and sencondly-" I was cut of by the sound of Rachel, the town slut. 

"Are you two whores looking for the loser convention" I passionaly detest her.

"Yes, and look. We found it" Nice one Jess. I burned her.

Sam backed me up by making a "Tssss" sound. Soon after, Rachel walked away in defeat. I followed my success with a highfive to my self.

"Jess, really? Thats so lame." She turned her head and she must have seen something because then she raised her tilted head and pointed at a feminine figure. 

"Who is it?" I questioned, squinting my eyes from the sun.

The figure started talking as it gained closer. "Hello, ladies" It was Lauren.

"I have HUGE news. Type Y." Sam and I exchanged gazes with lifted eyebrows. We rated importance of anything with a scale of X-Z. Lauren never had news to tell but she seemed really hyped on this one.

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