Moving on & Meeting a family memeber

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Erin's pov: it's been a few days since me and jay have decide to cool it. It sucks I miss him coming over to my place and hanging out and having a beer together. But the good thing is hank Didn't bounce Jay from the unit like we both figure once hank found out about us. I sometimes hate how protective hank is because I feel like I know how to handle my self now and he just doesn't want my hear broken again. But at least I still see jay at work everyday
Jay's pov: it's been a few days since me and Erin decide to back away from the relationship. It sucks because I miss her being around 24 seven at work and hanging out at my house or her house but on the plus side hank has killed me or bounce me from the unit because I'm broke his rule about not going near Erin
Later that day
I am walking past Platt's desk getting ready to go upstairs when Platt stops me
P= hey chuckles
J= detective chuckles if you don't mind
P= little Donny brook down at kitty O'Shea's officer on scene wanted to know if you'd stop by
J= to do what show him how to do his job
P= no to keep your brother from getting locked up.
Once Platt set that I go to my car and drive over to the place where I am needed in walk in it's on a guys getting into fights or in the middle of fights with my brother there in the mix of all this chaos
J= what'd he do
RO= nothing is just these other two knuckleheads but he keeps getting between me and them so
J= hey
W= jay
J= what's the hell going on

The Guys were settle when Jay got there and then all sudden all the guys try to fight each other. Then Jay told the one who was in charge to walk away so he did

W= he's gone all right we're good
J= that was fun
W= yeah good times
J= hey I thought uh and I thought that you were getting it in next week

W= I moved it up
J= how long you in town for
W= haven't decided yet. ( to the bartender ) can we get another round back there please
J= don't you have a medical practice something like that
W= I took a break
J= so you got fired
W= dude
J= just tell me
W= Will you relax and have a beer
J= I can't man I'm working
W= that's right get over you ( they hug each other) it's good to see you
J= stop by the district later
W= yeah I will I will go save the city

Later on in the shift
I am walking downstairs because I got a text my brother that he was here and as I'm walking down I see my brother and platt very close to each other. I really don't want to know wasn't going on but I ask anyways

P= seriously just tell me what it is

W= let me see um does that hurt
P= a little bit
W= ok
J= free medical advice Sergeant
P= They charge me like $400 deductible just to go in to the clinic near me (to will) it's ok come on
W= oh god
P= what
W= it's a derma hematoma
P= what's that
W= you need to go to the hospital immediately
P= what
W=is your car nearby
P= should I drive
W= i'm just kidding that's a hickey just run some Abe Vera on it you should be fine
J= great thanks for that thanks
W= sorry
They walk upstairs and go to the break room so they have some privacy to talk
J= how's New York
W= good I just need a Little breather
J= from what vip booths and models what's the real reason
W= when did you become such a cynic oh what I can't take a vacation come back and hang out with my little brother ( he looks out to the bullpen and see Erin and Nadia talking) so which one is she
J= don't
W= no just nod your head I mean both of them are hot or is it that desk sergeant from downstairs
J= yes we're on the back burner right now
W= aww
J= where are you staying. Dads
W= I was thinking your place
J= I am pretty deep and a kiss right now so take a cab we'll get some food later on or something ( jay notice Erin walking toward the break room) shut up here she comes
W= okay
J= Lindsey this is my brother will
E= the surgeon
W= most days yeah
E= nice to meet you
W= same here
E= how long are you in town
W= still figuring it all out
E= we should all hang out sometimes before you go
W= definitely yeah
J= yeah
W= I got to go I will get at you later
J= all right
( will walks away and leave and Erin and jay just stand there)
E= I met someone from your family
J= I don't think that would be a big deal to you
E= Jay just because I don't want to lose my job doesn't mean I don't care about you that's not gonna change
J= me too
They just work on the case for the rest of the day

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