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Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to travel somewhere labeled exotic.

Australia to be exact. Well I got exactly what I wanted. When I was eight my parents and I were on the way back home from the movies when a car came out of nowhere. It hit the passengers side and killed my mom. As expected me and my dad were devastated. My dad took it way worst. One year later on the anniversary of her death he shot himself. He left a note telling me he loved me and that I was going to live with my Aunt Anne in Australia. After all the chaos she flew to Chicago and took me to her house in Sydney. I later found out she had a son only a few years older than me named Ashton. That's where it all started.

A/n sorry I know it's really short. It's like my first fanfic. There is more too come don't worry. Message me if you have any questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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