Chapter 8 - A new revelation.

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Olivia was in shock. Jason had explained how he was once dragged into a dream where there were whispers and plots to kill this boy named Charlie Bone. Could it be the Bloors? No, that was impossible. The evil family were exiled from this place, so it had to be someone else. But who? And it didn't even help that Charlie, as well as Tancred, had lost their endowments. Something really strange was going on in this academy. And Olivia was really worried.

It was now Saturday, which meant that all the students were now going home. Olivia said goodbye to her friends before she exited the school, hopping onto a bus with a small smile on her lips. Her parents would be proud once they found out that their daughter had landed the lead role of Wendy, and she would be starring in an upcoming play that could also decide the rest of her future in the acting business. But at the same time, poor Olivia had to deal with the dark times in the academy. How someone was after her friends, and possibly her.

A small sigh escaped her lips as the bus stopped at her destination. She jumped off the rather uncomfortable seat and stepped out of the bus, looking around once before she approached her own house. She took out the key to the house from her bag, unlocking the door. "I'm home." She called out once, frowning when she didn't get anything in response.

"Hello?" She called out again. Still, nothing. Brushing her dark hair back, Olivia walked into the kitchen, tossing her bag away carelessly once she saw a not stuck on the fridge. An away note? Again? Sighing to herself, she took the note off the fridge door and read it with a scowl on her face when it stated how her mother was directing a movie at the moment and that her father was just out for some reason. The reason not being told. This was the third time this had happened, and Olivia was not pleased. Scrunching up the note, she tossed it in the bin before leaving the house with a scowl. Where could she go now? Emma was at Tancred's house and the Bone residence was obviously too crowded. Perhaps she could hit the Pet's Cafe. Hopefully someone was there.

After what seemed to be awhile of tireless walking, Olivia was opposite the cafe and was about to cross the street until she heard a hiss of a cat. She rose an eyebrow and heard another hiss, causing her curiosity to grow. Three cats appeared, red orange and yellow as they glanced at Olivia before running away. "Flame cats?" She asked curiously, her legs itching to just chase them.

Olivia couldn't take it anymore. Nothing was making sense now, and what she needed was answers. She hated not knowing things. Growing impatient, she sighed and broke off into a sprint, following the trail of the three flame cats. She was now hot on their tail and continued to chase after them until they grew to a halt. Olivia also stopped running now, panting for breath until she looked at the cats who were hissing at something. She rose an eyebrow in response, looking up only for her own eyes to widen. She could see her dad. With another woman. He had his hand around her waist and had just kissed her cheek as an affectionate gesture.

Olivia's eyes widened. A lump found its way to her throat as tears began to well up in her eyes. Her knees began to feel wobbly and before she knew it, the world spun around her and she collapsed onto the cold hard ground, losing consciousness in the process.

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