Chapter 10 - The Dreamworld.

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Filbert Street was pouring more than anything. It seemed as if the beings from above had sent down a massive storm as the rain seemed to be too much. Puddles began to form and trees were seemingly being swept away. The odd thing was that all the houses on Filbert Street were no longer there. So technically it wasn't a street anymore. Just a plain and empty road with puddles that reflected the glimmering moon.

Olivia shivered as she walked down the dark street. She was wearing a traditional skirt, followed by black leggings and her hair was braided into two pigtails. The rain had wiped off her make-up as well as eye-liner, so she looked bad and worn out. Not only that, but she was soaking wet from the wretched rain that continued to fall on her.

She hugged herself, shivering as she took a step forward, fighting against the powerful wind that tried to sweep her off her own feet. And not so far off in the distance, was a fast food joint in the middle of nowhere. Jittering her teeth together, Olivia unfolded her arms and mustered up enough strength and willpower needed to fight the stormy weather and head for the joint. "Damn!" She cursed as she stepped into a puddle, causing her entire foot to go wet.

After what seemed to be hours of walking through the powerful rain, Olivia finally entered the fast-food place, soaking wet with her hair down and her clothes now attached to her own skin. Whenever she walked, small drips of water were left behind. She looked devastated. A sigh escaped her icy lips when she approached the man behind the counter who seemed to be staring at her with a confused look. "O-one Cheeseburger sandwhich please." She ordered softly, taking a seat down as she waited for her food. It seemed that she was the only one here.

Her pale skin was unnoticable at first as Jason entered the world Olivia was supposedly dreaming about. His brown eyes caught her figure and a frown appeared on his lips when he saw the state of her. She was wet and extremely pale. Brushing his blonde hair back, he looked around once before approaching the female, taking a seat opposite her. Olivia's grey eyes glimmered with hope and a warm smile found its way on her face when Jason sat in front of her. A rush of relief crossed her mind and she found herself relaxing as she looked into his warm brown eyes. "I suppose this is my dream?" She asked curiously, tilting her head.

"How did you know?" Jason asked with a small smile, watching as the man came with Olivia's burger. "You're not wet." It was a fair answer, and Jason was surprised that she picked it up. "I see." Jason chuckled in response as he watched Olivia bite into the burger. The wet-haired female frowned when she tasted something weird about the sandwhich. "No pickles." She mumbled, placing the burger down with a sigh. She slumped her shoulders and leaned back. "Hang on." Jason spoke out, closing his eyes. He had done this before. Maybe he could control the dream world. Just maybe.

Focusing hard enough, Jason imagined the bitten burger in his mind. He imagined pickles in them. After one long attempt of trying to make pickles appear, he opened his eyes and saw Olivia, staring down at the burger. She lifted up the top bun and gasped when she saw pickles on them. "Did you just...?" Disbelief was written across her face. "Yes, yes i did." He grinned in response.

A moment later, the water drops all over Liv's body had disappeared, leaving her dry once again as if she had never walked in the rain. Her pigtailed-hair was dry and the wet footsteps Olivia had left behind had all disappeared. Not only that, but a small can of soda appeared in Jason's hand. The stormy night that had haunted the female was now replaced with a sunn atmosphere. The warm, blue sky hovered above the strange town and the sun seemed to be beaming. Olivia was gobsmacked. Shaking her head as to regain her consciousness, she stared at the blonde male, her grey eyes fascinated by what she had just witnessed.

"I... Wow." She was lost for words, for the first time in her life. Jason had a satisfied look on his face. Seemingly pleased with himself, he leaned back casually and took a sip of the soda, sighing in pleasure as his thirst was finally quenched. "Are you sure your parents would be okay with me sleeping down your house?" Olivia asked curiously before she took another bite out of the burger. "My parents are uh... They died when i was young. I live with my uncle and aunt now." He replied with a sigh. The young female suddenly felt bad for asking. Giving him a sympathetic look, she leaned forward. "I'm sorry..." She looked down in disappointment. Jason smiled a little, shaking his head. "It's okay. And they are fine with you crashing at mine's." He explained.

"You were crying in your sleep." He stated with a frown. Olivia sighed and looked down in response. He had noticed...

She looked back up at him with a troubled expression on her lips. "Oh." Was all she could say. "I understand if you don't want to tell me." Jason murmured, looking down. Maybe she should tell him. After all, he had told her about his parents and she trusted him enough. He suddenly grew to be her best friend and that was what Olivia needed. A friend. A shoulder to cry on. Someone to cling onto when things went bad. "My... dad. He's cheating on Mum." Her voice cracked at the last part.

Jason's eyes widened in response. The tear that rolled down her cheek did not go unnoticed. As Olivia excused herself to use the bathroom, the male blonde stood up abruptly and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a hug that caused her to break down. And so began the heartful sobbing. Olivia grabbed onto his shirt tightly, sobbing into his shoulder as she felt her muscles grow weak. Jason continued to hold her with a look of worry on his face as his arms tightened around her so she wouldn't even go limp. Never had he seen such a strong girl so broken.

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