I didn't Know👀

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Erica P.O.V.

When they came in the door Tyresha  eyes were red and puffy because she had just came from the funeral but resha not really the type to cry so I knew she was really upset I would be too especially if it was blood  but it could also be because of mike ass too I tried to get her in a happy mood I just didn't know how

Me: Hey boo how you feeling

Tyresha: fine

Me: Then why your eyes red

Tyresha: ummm.... I did just come from my cousin funeral

Me: you right ,but I also know you and that funeral was a couple hours ago you wouldn't still have been crying especially when you're man was with you supposedly suppose to be there to comfort you

Marshawn: Erica lol damn the girl say she fine

Mike: lol thanks bro... But what y'all doing up in here

Marshawn: Waiting on y'all ass to get here

Mike: We had a little situation to take care of... right bae

Tyresha: right (lowly spoken)

Me: Well is y'all ready now?

Mike: yea.... let's go

We went to the movies to go see Sinister.When we got there me and resha sat in between Marshawn and Mike I kept trying to talk to her but she kept saying not now so I waited for her to be ready to talk to me then she finally said she had to go to the bathroom I knew that was my chance to find out what was wrong when we got there this is the crazy shit she told me

Tyresha: Erica I just want to go away sometimes

Me: why resha what's wrong

Resha: Mike ain't who you think he is, he got me trying to sell my body to other niggas and you know that's not me at all those other niggas touching, feeling on me that shit don't feel good or right when I told him I wasn't going to do it he put his hands on me one time it was so bad I had a busted lip and a black eye .Remember I said me and Trevon and I were play fighting and that's how it happened

Me: Yea I'm finna beat his ass my damn self  resha why won't you leave his goofy ASS . I'm  more upset you took so long to tell me he could've took yo life and I wouldn't know nothing

Resha: Erica it's not easy remember my arm early. he grabbed it  roughly because I told him I was going to leave him and I was crying that's why my  eyes were red I'm so sick of this bs he putting me through

Me: See I knew something was wrong with yo ass y'all tried to make it seem like I was the crazy mf asking all these damn questions

Resha: Erica fr don't say anything

Me: I mean I'm not finna let him keep beating you resha they shit dead

Resha: Noo don't say shit Erica I got it

Me: You obviously don't when he keep hitting on you and got you sleeping with other random niggas

Resha: Erica DON'T

Me: Ughh what you gon do about it then cuz it's not just going to stop if you keep allowing it to happen

Resha: I'll figure it out

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