Chapter 2

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*Beep beep beep beep* My phone alarm kept going off it was time for me to wake up the clock read 8:00 a.m I went into the bathroom and used it then began brushing my teeth.

"C you up!" My mom screamed from downstairs. "Yes ma'am."

My first class started 8:30 so I  was running late. I attend
Miami University College it's in Miami fl of course. I love being down here the weather is great. I decided to stay living with my mom since she bribed me that it would be great and cheaper. I think she wanted me to stay because she doesn't want to be lonely.

Rushing out the house I turn around to my mom with her hands on her hip. "What time did you get in this house last night C." She said with a serious face. "11:30.... ma I'm running a little late so if we could talk about this later that'd be great."

"Excuse me, but I think we're gonna discuss this right now."

"Mommm please can we talk laterrrrr." I whine. "Whatever Cassidy Bryant we will talk about it" She says walking back into her room.

I run to my black kia soul car and get in and head to Mike's house.

°Knock knock°
Opening the door slightly  wiping the sleep out her eyes Ms. Vivian peeped then opened the door fully with her blue silk robe wrapped around her with a black bonnet thrown on her head.

"Hey Ms.Vivian is Michael home." I ask. "Yea come on in I'll get him."

"Who that is waking me up this early." Mike's uncle says getting up from the couch. He stayed the night over since he got drunk and passed out on the floor I'm surprised they got him on the couch.

"It's just me Cassidy." I say waving at him. "Hey girl."

Mike comes running down the stairs shirtless with black sweatpants on smiling with those perfect white teeth. He comes over and hug me tightly.

"Hey Cass." He whisper in my ear then gives me a kiss on my forehead. "What's up something wrong baby."
"No I just got you something."

He looks at me and says. "What is it." I hide it behind me then hand his phone over to him. "I thought I lost it in the truck I was gonna go check later but thanks ma." He puts the phone in his pocket."Want something to eat baby." Mike's mom ask.

"Well I'm kinda running late to class so I think I should get going." She walks back in the kitchen saying. "Alright baby."

Leaving the house Mike walks me out to my car. "Thanks again." He says kissing me. "You're welcome babe now I gots to go see you later. Stiil on for lunch?."

"Of course."

I give him one more kiss and got into the car and headed to the school. I was driving so fast I arrived quickly gathering all my resources out my car I run towards my first class which is almost over. I read the clock which say 8:57 a.m .

I walked in class and all heads spin looking at me."Lateeeee!" Mr. Wilkinson says aloud. And everyone burst into laughter while i was embarrassed.

"Why are you late Ms. Bryant give me a good answer." He says putting everyone's attention on me waiting for a response. "I woke up late, sir."

"Not a good answer Ms. Bryant !" He yells aloud. Mr. Wilkinson was one of those teachers who just had so much energy that it was just annoying sometimes or funny. Today it was annoying.

"You'll have to get the notes from someone, now have a seat we were just in the middle of something good."

33 minutes passs....

"Classsss timee to wrap it up ! There will be a test on Thursday so Please studyyyyy thanks, have a nice day guys !" Mr. Wilkinson sreams.

*Beep beep*
I look down to see I had a notif that read _MixedMel liked all my posts.

I went and clicked on her instagram strolled through her post and noticed it was the girl from the party. Not paying attention I ran straight into Mr. Wilkinson.

"Ugh excuse me mr...."

"It's okay Cassidy i just want to know is everything okay at your home this have been your second tardy."

Not wanting to talk I just replied with a simple yes and told him i had another class which i didn't.

"Hey Cas wait up." Keith called running after me. Keith was a highschool friend who once said he had a crush on me. He's a 6'0 tall guy with carmel skin and a nice smile.

"Hey keith." I say walking towards the parking lot. He puts his hand around my shoulders and asks. "Why don't I ever see you anymore kisses ?"

"Omg that name again." I say laughing. Keith calls me kisses after the chocolate candy since I'm darkskin he's been doing it since highschool.

"Well the reason you haven't been seeing me because I am a busy body which I'm about to be busy because i have to be to work in about a hour."

"Wanna grab breakfast real quick I'll buy." He said approaching my car. "Why not it's free of course." I said laughing and getting inside the car.

We approached the waffle house and got out and went inside. After finding somewhere to sit we were greeted by a waiter who took our order.

"I'll have the waffles with eggs and bacon with orange juice." Keith said to the waiter. "I'll have the same but with a cocoa cola drink."

The waiter wrote it down and took our menus. "I see you trying to be like me." He said reaching over and taking my phone. "No not at all, I just didn't know what to choose now put my phone down."

"I will after I take this selfie" he said.

After he took his selfie he then came on my side of the table and took a picture of us and captioned it finally.
Not only did he post the picture of us on my instagram but on his account too.

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