Chapter 3.

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He puts my phone down and goes back on the other side of the table the waiter later brings us our drinks.

"Sooo how's your career of becoming that famous physical therapist coming along?." He asked taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Pretty good I'm just alot tired than usual but I'm going to keep pushing. I can't believe you remebered though."

*Low battery*
I look down to see my phone is going dead so i turn it off and continued my brunch.

"Here's your order anything you need just call me back over and I'll get you your every need." The waiter stated.

"Thank you.... This looks delicious." I said sticking a piece of bacon in my mouth watching the waiter walk away. "So keith what made you want to be a surgeon."

"Ughh nosey." He said in a girly type voice. "Well since you wanna know I decided to be a surgeon to look at some titties and ass to be honest."

I gave him a look that meant really dude. Which makes him laugh with me joining in. "No seriously I always wanted to become a surgeon because the body is unique in it's own way and i get to experience all parts of it on many different shapes and sizes it just seems like a calling or passion if you know what i mean. I think you should because physical therapist help out a little too with the body."

"Wow I never thought you'd be so sentimental or have a passion."

"Ohh so that's what you think about me.... You think I'm not passionate kisses." He said looking at me.

"No I mean you did use to like me dummy." I said throwing a piece of egg at him.

"Actually I didn't I just thought you were cute and nice, but I was wrong." He said with a little laugh. "Plus I had a girlfriend at the time."

"Oh yeah dirty, mean, nasty, and hot pocket Veronica oh I can keep going hmm whatever happened to her." I said looking for him to say something but instead of saying something he got quiet.

"Well she cheated which I know isn't surprising for you.... go ahead and laugh I know and understand I was a idiot I truly did like her and her beauty I cant lie." He said in  a low volume tone which meant he was serious.

We finished our brunch and headed to drop Keith off at his dorm room. "Thanks for the brunch Keith." I smiled at him. "No problem drive safe and get that phone charged." He smiled then got out of the car. I watched him walk into the building before pulling off.

I pluged my phone into my car phone charger and headed towards my home. I rushed inside to change into my work clothes grabbing a couple of pens off my dresser.

I rushed back outside and locked the door. On my way towards the restaurant I notice I left my nametag. I arrived at Ruth's Kitchen it was a tiny little restaurant that cooked breakfast lunch and dinner meals.

Today was not busy as usual my work friend Angela and I did what we usually did and that was gossip.

"Hey girl I got something to tell youuu" She said in a very happy tone.

I smiled. "Ouu yesss let me hearrr."

"Okay so you know how i was telling you about jace...." She started.

The door of the diner swung open and in came a handsome guy he was fineeeeee. Me and Angela looked at eachother and raced towards the door.

"Umm.... Hey.... How..are you.. Ouu lorrd." Angela stumbled.

"Hello welcome to Ruth's kitchen how may I assist you today." I took over and said with a smile.

"Welll you may assist me by showing me a table, getting me a menu, and your number on the side." He said biting his lip.

I begin getting hot. "Okay, follow me."

I turned around and grabbed Angela to tell her to go in the back. I look behind to catch him looking at my butt which wasn't big.

I smirked then begin walking trying to switch a little. "The switch it's kinda nice need a little work though." The guy stated sitting down with a smirk.

I got embarrassed. "Here's the menu, what shall I get you to drink."

"Water is fine." He replied looking up at me licking his lips.

I walked away quickly running up to Angela. "Girllll I know you saw that carmel tall glass of Mm mm mm." I whispered.

"I diddd bitch but you can't have him." Shee said sticking her head out looking at him.

"Why not." I asked. "Well because you have a man. I'm in need of one so i think i should serve him."She said fixing her shirt grabbing the cup of water and walking off.

I peeked around the corner to look at them when I saw Angela coming back.

She rolled her eyes. "What .?" I asked

"He wants you to serve him." She said handing me the menu and the paper she wrote his order on. "He ain't even all that anyways."

I laughed. "You better be mad."

I walked towards him with his order which was a burger and fries with no onions.

"Here's your order." I placed his plate infront of him.

"Thanks Cassidy." He said.

"Wait how'd you know my name." I asked.

"Well your name tag says it sweet pea." He laughed looking in my eyes. "But you still haven't gave me my last request." He said.

"And what is that." I asked. "Your number."

Knowing I had a boyfriend I still gave it to him we talked abit until he got up and left to go.

"Girlll I know you did not give him your number." Angela said approaching me.

"Ugh I think i did." She looked at me and shook her head. "Don't you have a man."

"I do but he didn't say I can't have friends." I walked past her.

"Girl whatever did you even get his name." She said.

"Of course I did it's Shawn and yes he knows my real name I couldn't give him a fake one because of my nametag." I said wiping the table down.

"Wow you must know him or you just got a STALKERRR!." She said screaming stalker.

"What you mean I don't know him I've never seen him before." I looked at her weirdly.

"Well he's definitely a stalker giving the fact you don't have your nametag on today I should write you up." She said pushing the chairs under the table.

I looked down and touched my shirt and remembered I left my nametag on the desk because I was rushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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