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Yoongi's pov

The man approaches and I sense danger. His fists go up. Mine follow. I crouch. He bounces on his toes. I can feel the punch before he throws it and step into his swing. I feel the fist connect to the side of head.

I push past the fear and adrenaline surging through my system. I push past the pain in my temple and ringing in my ears.

I don't want to get punched again. I want control over his arms. I want to take him down.

I punched him. I throw another punch and then another. 

His nose snap. He tasted blood. I see dark splotches in the corners of his eyes. He breathe hard raspy breathes. He is on the verge of hyperventilating. I kicked him again and he fell down.

Another one came at me.

And then another

I look at Nath and Hobi, they were fighting, and we are wining. They both are so good.

After some time we won. 

We walked in some other room and saw jimin lying. "Jimin!" nath yelled and run towards him "please be okay" she kissed his cheek. For some reason i was jealous.

"where is that guy who talked to us" hobi said and we looked around "who cares, let's take jimin and leave, i don't want him in danger anymore" nath said and hobi picks jimin up. "need help?" i asked and he shake his head

"let's go" nath said and we left

We take jimin back in the hospital and asked for extra security. 

"i'm going to find that bastard and kill him" she said angrily.

"let's go" hobi said and we left. We went to her house. "Nath" hobi said "what's on that chip?" he asked 

"i don't know" he said "wait!" i yelled "you never saw what's on it? Why?" i asked "i never had time for that" she said "you're so weird i would open it right away" hobi said "me too" tae said 

"then let's open it" she said "where is it?" i asked "in your house babe" she said "let's go" she took my arm and we went to my house.

She goes to my room. "i tried once to find it but i couldn't" i said "that's probably cause i hid it so well" she said and goes to my laptop "don't tell me it was there" i said and she laugh and opened my laptop "you fucking put it there" i rolled my eyes 

She took a chip and make my laptop back to normal "let's go" she said and we go back

"okay let's see" hobi said while putting that chip in something black "what's that?" i asked "it's a thing you put chip in so you can put it in laptop" he said (i just made that up, idk if that exist, but let's say it does lol)

He put it in laptop and something came out "oh great we need password" he said "ofc we do" nath rolled her eyes "let me call my friend, he will solve that in a sec" she said and called someone

"hi, love" she said "i need your help, come over to my place" she said.

"he will be here in 10 min" she said

"okay, while we are waiting, tae and me wants to say something" jungkook said "are you two together?" nath said "wait what?" tae said shooked "how did you know" jungkook asked "everyone know that, hobi heard what you two talked so he tell me, and i tell others" she said 

"you're not good in keeping secrets" hobi said "i was so happy when i heard that i had to tell everyone" she said "we support you two" i said "yes, we are happy for you two" jin said with smile

"i actually could see this coming" namjoon said "how come?" hobi asked "well, for some reason i always ship them" he said "i know right, i got that feeling too" nath said and hugged them "if you two broke up i would be sad, so don't broke up" she said and laugh

After few min that guy came

"hi!" she hugged him "this is my friend, we can trust him" she said and he took a laptop "okay, let's see" he said and turned on some programs i never seen before. "oh god, what's all that" jin asked "even if i tell you, you wouldn't understand" he said "rude" jin said "but truth" he said 

"he is fast" hobi said "do you work for someone?" hobi asked him and he shake his head "done" he said 

"that was fast" i said "i told ya" nath said and we opened the file

"it's money" hobi said "so, they all would kill for money" i said "that's low" 

"i thought it would be something more important" tae said "what are you gonna do with this?" i asked nath

"spent it" she said with smirk on her face "it's 100mil dollars, it's too much woman" i said "we should go and see world" she said "let's travel" 

"that's not bad idea" jungkook said "let's do it" namjoon said

"but first we will wait for jimin to woke up" she said "we can't go without him" 

"and we have to kill some people too" i said 

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