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Percy was about to kill someone. Nico to be exact. He got in the dude's face, angry.

"Nico, why did you come back? I'm giving my life up to save yours!"

Nico shook his head.

"I know another way out. We're going to shadow travel. Alright? Back upstairs. I know I can do it. Just calm."
"You can't do that, it'll kill you!"
"I've done worst!" Nico snapped, turning away, and stabbing a wild centaur with his sword. "Come on! We can't hold these bloody monsters forever, and I'm your only way out of this place."

"Nico, I need you to just go. Please," Percy begged, his voice calm now, anger under control. 

"You're coming with me," Nico confirmed, grabbing Percy's arm. 

Percy yelped when he was sucked into darkness, appearing in a dark, dirt cavern, probably hundreds of feet underground.

"Um, this is not the right place," Nico muttered, as they looked around. Percy sighed.

"Dude, you need to listen more. That was dangerous. Even for you. It would have been best if you had..."
"Oh, Percy Jackson," a voice hissed, echoing through the abandoned cavern. 

the ground in front of them shifted and swirled, forming a human figure, in mud clothes, and dirt hair. Gaea.  Fast asleep, but still very much alive.

Percy uncapped Riptide immediately, making sure Nico was close.

"Always thinking about the safety of others. Going beyond measure to save them. Kinda reminds you of your biggest weakness right?"
"Shut up, Dirt Face," Percy growled, bracing himself for anything.

"Maybe if I killed Nico here, you'll scream in despair and failure. Giving me the feast of your misery and suffering. Lovely Annabeth has already given me a feast. Misery from the belief that her love is dead down in Tartarus. Percy, I could kill Nico, and let you go back up there with your friends. Fully alive with only the price of another's life."
"Or what?"
"Or you know, just sacrifice yourself to save someone who has hated you your whole life. One who blames you for the death of his sister. The ghost king, who no one is at ease around. The kid everyone is afraid of, including you. No one's going to miss him. But they'll miss you deeply. You have touched so many, Percy Jackson, and just knowing you, the glue of Camp Half-Blood is dead will bring your camp crashing down."
Percy looked at Nico, who shrugged.

"Percy, it's best if..."
"What? Nico, no. I'm not letting her kill you if I can stop it."
"I owe it to you for Bianca, Nico."
Gaea interrupted, a spear shooting from the ground. The figure of Gaea chucked the spear at Nico. Percy did what he expected. He stepped between Nico and the spear. 

He gasped as the spear sank into his chest, going all the way through. Pain spread like crazy. 

Percy only managed to rip the spear out before feeling himself collapse. Nico was screaming his name, but the ringing in Percy's ears drowned out the voice. 

He was definitely gonna be dead. 

The only thing Percy regretted, was not being able to spend the rest of his life with Annabeth.

And then, Percy sank into a deep darkness called death, where he simply floated. No pain. No feeling. Not even a body. 

He was dead.

Percy Jackson DiesWhere stories live. Discover now