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We woke up in each other's arms. It took a moment for me to process it and I ended up just staring at him.

"Couldn't keep your hands off of me?" He asked while opening his eyes.

"Yeah sure," I said getting up and out of the bed.

I sat up on the bed and noticed a small doll sitting on a back table. I got up and walked towards it, noticing it looked very old and worn. There was a small tear in the dolls dress.

"What is this?" I asked Thranduil.

"What does it look like?"

"I didn't know you were so into dolls," I said.

"It isn't mine. It was hers," He answered.

I looked at it and suddenly felt sad. I walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Thranduil suddenly asked.

"I have lessons," I said.

"Eat breakfast."

"No. I'm fine," I said closing the door behind me.

I walked down the hallway rather slowly. I didn't have lessons for another few hours, but I just wanted to get out of the room. I ran into Legolas and after saying hi to him, I found myself just wandering around. I didn't know what to do with myself. Thranduil attended his duties and I was alone in the library. With so much time on my hands I wrote a letter to my father, read some books then headed back to my bedroom.

It escaped my mind that we shared a room now. I walked to our room and noticed the doll sitting there. It seemed lonely so I pulled up a chair and sat next to it.

"I'm sorry about the tear in your dress," I said to it. "I can fix it for you."

Erie brought me a needle and some thread. I was happy patching up the tear and silently hummed to myself.

"There you go!" I said finishing and placing her back on her spot.

I got up and prepared myself for afternoon lessons. To my surprise my teacher wasn't in the room. I went out into the hallway and saw no one around. It was odd, usually the servants were running around catering to Thranduil's demands.

"Legolas?" I tried to call for them. "Thranduil?"

I heard some commotion coming from the throne room. I noticed Legolas guarding the door.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"It seems we have an unexpected guest," Legolas said with an annoyed look.

I wanted to go inside but Legolas looked like he wouldn't budge. At that moment it seemed like snooping around paid off. There was a hidden door that led to the back of the throne room. I walked down a few hallways and turned a few corners and came to a hole in the wall. I placed my finger inside the hole and a small passageway was revealed.

"I'm the queen. I need to be involved and introduce myself," I said walking down the dark passage.

I used my hands to guide my way and I could see a small light and knew I was almost there. I could hear Thranduil's voice, whoever it was seemed to piss him off. I peaked my head out from behind a small figure and saw Thranduil. From my angle it just looked like he was walking around in circles staring at the ground. I figured he must've had too much to drink or something, yelling at the floor. I slipped out from behind the figure and tip toed my way to get a closer look, still trying to remain unseen.

Then I saw it: a dwarf. Thranduil got close to its face and suddenly I could see something manifest on his face. In the blink of an eye it looked like half his face was missing. I gasped and looked at the missing flesh, exposing his veins and inner cheek. It looked like a burn mark, but I wasn't sure. I was both grossed out and angry, just another thing to put on the list of things he didn't tell me.

The dwarf looked ragged and tired and I wondered why Thranduil was being so cruel towards the guest. Just as the guards were going to drag him away I jumped out from where I was hiding.

"Wait," I said to them.

I looked at Thranduil and he didn't seem too surprised.

"You knew I was there the whole time?" I asked him.

"Yes, I guess people with two left feet aren't that quiet."

I looked at the dwarf.

"What is your name?" I asked him.

He stared at me and I could feel the tension in the air. I was pretty sure he didn't know me but he looked at me with automatic hatred.

"Don't waste your time asking that filth questions," Thranduil said to me.

"I'll ask who I want and when I want. He is our guest. Next time act like a proper host," I said back to him.

Thranduil started laughing.

"Guest? No, he's a trespasser. Now, take him to the dugeons," Thranduil said with a cocky grin.

"Take him to the dining area. He will be joining us for dinner," I said to the guards.

"Why don't you both just starve? Take him to the dungeons with his little friends and take her to the room and make sure she stays there," Thranduil ordered.

The guards bowed and grabbed my arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked the guard.

He didn't answer and looked a little afraid. He seemed to contemplate whether to listen to me or Thranduil but Thranduil was too feared not to be listened to.

"Don't touch me. I am staying right here," I said.

"I'll take her," Thranduil said.

I stared at him.

"You sicken me," I said to him.

"Good, so the feeling is mutual," He said forcefully grabbing my arm.

"Don't treat me this way! I'm your wife," I said trying to get out of his grip.

He stopped and seemed to get angrier.

"Yes, my wife, who is supposed to stand by my side and not go against me."

"What happened to you?" I said in a soft tone touching the part of his face that seemed to be missing a few moments ago.

"Battle can change a lot of things," He said.

I tried to recall the moment. He must have some strong magic to conceal a wound like that. Battle? What battle? I continued to ponder as he dragged me to our room. I was considering biting him so that he would let me go but I was still haunted by his words. Stand by his side, as his wife I had to do it, and I didn't. I must've embarrassed him. Thranduil threw me in the room and locked me inside. I was tired of being treated like this although I knew I might have deserved it this time. I took a branch from some flowers in the room and tried to use it in the key hole, but the branch just broke. I looked around the room and saw my crown sitting next to the bed. I must've forgot to put it on.

The tips of it caught my eye and I automatically grabbed it and tried to use the ends to pick the lock. I attempted but was failing miserably until finally the lock gave in. I heard a small click and put the crown back down on the table and headed out the door. I had to find Thranduil. I wasn't going to let him walk away from me like that.

So what do you guys think of this chapter? Let me know:) Things are going to start getting very interesting because not only are the dwarves in Mirkwood but someone from Aranel and Thranduil's path is going to rise.

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