Twilight's prelude I

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 "Nothing is more disgusting than the majority: because it consists of a few powerful predecessors, of rogues who adapt themselves, of weak who assimilate themselves, and the masses who imitate without knowing at all what they want."

― Johann Goethe


A sharp voice from behind frightened him, and he fumbled to quickly hide what he had just stolen from a hole he had made in the corner of the stable, where a traveller's horse rested.

"Elsea! You almost frightened to death" He tried in vain to make a reprimanding voice as he turned his horse around to find her smiling

She was missing one of her front teeth, her caramel-coloured braids scrambling to her shoulders, and her green dress with brown strings dragging on the floor. She stared at him with those big brown eyes, suspicious, Ronn returned her gaze.

Suddenly she widened her eyes and came over, looking over her shoulder before putting a small hand over her mouth and whispering to him. Ronn immediately bent down to stand at the same height as her tiny face, her dress was stained with rust and flour, she must have stolen something from the kitchen again.

She did it for him most of the time, which in turn made him feel guilty, even though he could never deny what she steals for him, not when his empty stomach betrayed him, not when it would make her effort and dedication be in vain.

"What min brathair made to enrage daidí17?" She gave him playful little laugh and came closer.

It seemed that his dubious acts amused her, which made him feel a mixture of pride and the feeling that he was the worst brother in the world, and being a bastard, it was almost certain he was.

"I swear by Freya18 not to tell anyone"She continued.

Ronn spread his arms and she jumped on him, she smelled of spruce and bread. He whispered in her ear, checking if anyone was coming.

"Remember the stories we hear from the bards, Elsea?" She excitedly shook her head affirmatively "Soon I'll be telling you the best of them."

She laughed and squeezed him harder, he didn't need to tell her not to tell anyone, she was the only one who would never betray his trust, she would never let him down.

He frowned and choked down the sharp pain in his chest, over the weeks he had grown accustomed to it or maybe he just learned to push it down more efficiently.

"ELSEA!" A scream coming from the tavern made Elsea let go of him, she kissed him on the cheek, handed him an oval warm black bread and ran.

Ronn broke the bread and hid his parts in different pockets hidden in his clothes, he learned to do this so they wouldn't get everything if he got caught.

He spent the next few hours tending to his chores, and as soon as he was done, he left the stables and followed the same trail he had been following for days. Only a few more items and he would have everything he needed.

He had sharpened his ears, circulating the market two days ago, and had learned where to get the next item. Smiled and entered a side street, running in the shadows so as not to catch the attention of those inside the houses, whose candlelight gave him what he needed to keep going quickly.

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