Chapter 8

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Richard woke and put a hand to his head. He swallowed hard, held his breath and exhaled slowly. After that he sat up, swung his legs over the edge of the steel table and slid off. His feet hit the floor with a wet splat. Some of the green liquid still dripped from his new, heavy body. At a measured pace he moved toward a dressing gown that hung on a locker door a few feet away.

"I don't know how you do it."

The comment came from a slim man in a lab coat. He stood in a corner of the small room. Richard ignored him, grabbed the gown with a meaty hand and swung it on.

"We sedated you for a physical exam because the Hotwire port is so new, and because I wanted you relaxed. Anyone who willingly goes from healthy to that mess has to be insane."

"You act like it's permanent, Carter," Richard replied over his shoulder.

"One day in a sack like that should feel like an eternity."

"Which is why you drive a Volvo and I drive a Ferrari."

Carter shook his head and stepped forward. "I like to think of it more along the lines of integrity. I have loads and you have none."

"Get over yourself."

"Not today. There's too much to do. After I waste my time with you I have to meet Jason Philips to go over notes before we operate on Ted Weathers this afternoon."

"Lunch date?"

Carter picked up a Tablet from the end of the recovery table and examined it. "The switch went fine. Mr. Nickle is currently recuperating. Had issues with continued skin sensitivity but all is well. They have him scheduled for Transition Training tomorrow morning then he's headed home. You're pencilled in for surgery ASAP. Let's not push our luck with that heart. It's in shitty shape."

Richard held a hand in front of his face and wiggled its sausage fingers. "Either this guy's been cursed with some bad genetics or he hasn't been kind to his body."

"Let's head to the OR."

"I don't think I can."

"What do you mean?"

"It's tough to move. The body just feels like dead weight."

Carter frowned. "I find it hard to believe you haven't been affected like this before."

"Really Carter? Shouldn't there be some sympathy?"

"Not when dealing with greed."

"Just do your job. Find a gurney and get me wheeled to the OR!"

Carter huffed and left the room. Richard leaned against the wall and watched him go. He remained in the same position for some time, taking deep breaths until two large male orderlies arrived with the gurney. They helped him on and pushed it across the hall. Waiting inside the OR was a small cluster of doctors.

"What are the symptoms Sobel?" asked the closest Doctor. He was extremely tall and thin. A mask obscured his long face.

The orderlies moved Richard from the gurney to the operating table. "No energy at all. Feels like mild cardiac arrest," he gasped.

"Think it was brought on by the switch?" Carter asked.

"I've seen it happen before," said the tall doctor. "Levels may not have been adjusted properly before HICOP."

"Hotwire was just installed. Levels weren't calibrated properly – it was close but not perfect," said a short, round Doctor.

Carter shook his head. "Let's get Sobel hooked up and get to work."

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