Chapter 48

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In the middle of a wide, dirty alley stood an enormous metal Battering Ram. It was aimed toward a manhole on the wet ground. At two stories tall the device dwarfed the men who flanked it. There were thirty in total – ten officers and twenty soldiers.

Benson arrived among them. He wore a grey uniform. This caused the group to stiffen. "For those who aren't aware, I've assumed Command of City Security under acting Commander Wright. The rank was awarded to me following the hospitalization of Chief Maxwell. This means I'm now in charge of the Sobel operation. If anyone has questions please present them now."

No one said a word.

"What sort of progress have we made on breaking through?" Benson asked.

"Tough to say, Sir," said one of the men. He was short and broad shouldered with a shaved head. "Doesn't seem like anything is going to give."

"And we're sure this is the right place?"

"Exact radiation signature we were told to scan for. Almost didn't register – it was that weak. Checked planning files – nothing should be here, not even the manhole. And it's sealed shut."

"Then keep going."

The Officer motioned to the man nearest the device. He pushed a green button. The ram rose up, made a chugging motion, then hit the ground with enough force to make the alley shake.

This time the concrete fractured around the manhole. 

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