The Big 4 meet Elsa

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A long time ago a group of Guardians named Jack Frost, Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel came together to save the world from an evil man named Pitch Black who was dark and filled with anger. Together they were unstoppable. The 4 of them came and destroyed Pitch Black. So they thought......

Current day

Hiccup- "Come on toothless we have to keep up with her.      ( Hiccup said anxiously while going between trees and over a mountain).   Come on bud we can't loose her. Why do you think she's running anyway?     F( Hiccup asked Toothless. Toothless roared and shook his head).   Well look who's  talking Mr. Grouchy pants.    (said Hiccup)    Down! look down there bud. We could trap her down there! Come on.   (Toothless and hiccup flue straight down to the end of the Forest to cut her off to make her stop running. They didn't stop anything from happening though after they saw )   Snow!"  ( Hiccup said mesmerized and flew immediately back up)

Hiccup watched as she made snow come out of her hands and feet, She made a staircase that lead to a palace that she made out of ice and snow. Then all the sudden she came out with a blue dress with a nice clear cape made out of her ice.

Hiccup-"Wow did you see that bud? How is she not cold? Oh my gods. Thor almighty I have to tell the others. (a bunch of bushes ruffled) wait did you here that?   Bud let's go check it out.    (Toothless Gruel-ed. Then he saw the Guardians calling with there beacon of light).   Toothless there's a bigger problem then some noise! Come on, will check it out later".

Hiccup and Toothless landed in a big room with Santa and the other three Guardians Merida (able to shoot a arrow with out ever missing it's target), Rapunzel (70 feet of hair with healing powers) and Jack Frost (ability to make snow and ice. with a fun side).

Jack- "North what is it? Why did you call us here?"

Rapunzel- "Yeah! I was painting a picture of Pascal when I saw the calling sign. what is it?"

Santa- "It's a serious matter that you all have to take"-

Merida- "Let me guess... serious?"

Santa- "Yes, very"

Hiccup- "Okay, but before we start getting serious can I please say something. When me and Toothless were flying we saw something/ someone. She-

Santa- "Hiccup.... We don't have time for one of your silly games and adventures. I called you all today because- ( wind starts blowing hard in the room and black dust starts covering the room as they saw the dust making something)

Pitch Black- "Because of me".

Merida- "Wait what"

Jack- " I though we killed him, North"?!!???!?

Pitch- "Hello Rapunzel did you miss me?

Hiccup- " You don't talk to her"

Pitch- " And what are you going to do about it Dragon boy"?

Santa- " What do you want Pitch"?

Pitch- " From you?! Nothing that you can give me! No, No What I'm searching for is something you don't have....Yet any way.

Jack- "Look I don't know how you came back, but your going back down.

Pitch- " And who's going to do that?

Rapunzel- " Us! The Big 4"

Pitch- "Oh you actually speak? For a second I thought you were just here for entertainment"

Hiccup- "So how did you come back anyway?

Pitch- " That's a secret young Hiccup"! (Toothless grueling in the background as he see' Pitch observing Hiccup) Oh and what's with the leg couldn't hold your self up?"

Hiccup- "I'll tell you when you tell me how you came back" (Merida starts moving towards the back of Pitch were her bow and arrows are)

Santa- "Look all we want is peace among the the world"

Pitch- "but you can't always get what you want North...!!  (pitch felt the fear, he could smell it) Oh I know I scare you. I can feel it. remember fear is the number one thing I know best. There will be no peace between you and me, or you and the other villains out there."

Rapunzel- "No matter what you say and plan to do. Good always wins"

Pitch- "Yeah you always say good is going to win but here's the thing I'm going to win this time. And I'm going to rule the world. (Merida grabs her bow and arrow)

Jack- " Merida Now"!

Merida shoots her arrow at Pitch and he disappeared out of know were and she miss. Then Pitch ended up behind Jack.

Pitch- "Boo"!  (Pitch said in a scaring matter. Then Jack turn around and shot out of his staff, ice and hit Pitch but not enough to bring him down. Pitch hit him back with fears from his past, and Jack was frozen thinking about his past with knowing a way out. Hiccup got on Toothless and knock Pitch into the wall with a plasma blast. Were Rapunzel came in and rapped her hair around him and pick him up and started trowing him back and forth hitting the ground each time. Then Pitch said these words and then a black glowing light appeared on his hands and he throw that light at North knocking him down to the ground. Rapunzel not focused she let Pitch go he tried running out the door were Merida and Hiccup stopped him, and Merida shot three arrows at him. Two of them failed to get to him, while one gave him a cut on his left arm. Then Toothless Plasma blasted towards Pitch and with a wave of Pitch's hand opened a whole in thin air and the plasma blast went through it and then a whole opened up behind Hiccup and the plasma blast hit him.


Pitch- "Your not the only one with new tricks"! (he Yelled). Jack got up and hit Pitch to the ground and the 4 Guardians surround him.

Jack- "Looks like we won"

Pitch- "Guess again... (Pitch creates a black smoke) see you next time Guardians" ( he disappears in thin air)

Meida- "Now what do we do North"?

Hiccup- "North"? (Hiccup looks over at Santa and see's Rapunzel running over there. and now holding his hand)

Rapunzel- "North, North, come on stay with me." (Healing song)-Flower, gleam and glow... let your power shine... make the clock reverse... Bring back what once was mine...Heal what has been hurt.. Change the faiths design...Save what has been lost...bring back what once was mine... What once was mine...

Santa- (Coughing trying to get words out) "What-what happened".

Hiccup- " You don't remember"?

Santa- " All I remember is dark and fear for when I was asleep after Pitch knock me out. You guys have to go after him, Now!" (Rapunzel,Jack and Merida start heading out the door)

Hiccup- "We can't go after him" (They stop and look back at Hiccup)

Jack- "Why not Hiccup"?

Hiccup- "Because he knows how we work. He knows our abilities. He knows what we can and can't do! If we attack him now, we'll just loose again".

Jack- " Then what will you have us do then"?

Hiccup- ..."Look for a new Guardian"...

To Be Continued...

P.S. I did not come up with any of this characters. All rights to this characters is Disney and Dream works. I also Recommend you watch this on YouTube so you can undertand the big 4 story a little better. (

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