Chapter 6

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Elsa-"woo! Its much bigger than I imagined on our way here"

Hiccup-"well what can I say, it's like a second home."(they land on the ground and hiccup gets off and helps Elsa off. Hiccup opens the door when he see Merida just behind them telling him to hold the door open for her)

Merida-"wait! Wiat!(Hiccup holds the door open) oh thank you Hiccup"

Hiccup-"anytime, now where are the rest if the guardians?" (toothless and Elsa follow Hiccup and Merida inside)

Elsa-(she looks around with joy and excitement in her eyes she starts twriling lefting her head up facing the celing)" Hiccup, thank you for taking me out of my ice palace. I needed it. Seeing your place is just amazing!(she runs up to Hiccup to hug him) thank you"(she whispered in his ear)

Hiccup-"your very much welcome Elsa"(he said still hugging her as Merida began to feel a bit uncomfortable)

Merida-"well, we best be looking for the rest of the gang. Especially North. I think he would be pleased to meet her"

Elsa-"do you really think that Merida?'

Merida-"of course I do (they hugged and merida faced hiccup saying 'no I don't' at least 3 times behind her back)

(They walk up 3 sets of stairs and then found there way into the livingroom where everyone so happened to be even Santa Clause where he was found eating cookies and drinking milk)

Hiccup-(he walks into the room and Rapunzel hugged him) "well hello to you to."(he said shocked)

Rapunzel-"where have you been? You had me worried"

Jack-"that's because you worry about every little thing." (he said annoyed)

Rapunzel- "shut up Jack!"

Jack-"watch. (he whispered to hiccup) Hey has anybody seen Merida lately?"

Rapunzel-"oh great, that's just what we need another guardian missing!(she said putting her hands on her sholder) where are you guys going?!?!!!

(behind the other side of the door Merida and Elsa are talking)

Merida-"stay here for a little, okay?"

Elsa-"alright." (she had a very big smile on her face as merida entered the the next room where everyone else was)

Merida-"Relax I was just outside the door."

Rapunzel-"oh thank god"

Hiccup-(he takes a deep breath before approching Santa) "North I need to tell you something and you have to listen"

Santa-" what is it Hiccup?"

Hiccup-"look I know what I said earlier and she's real. ( north looks very mad)She has the power to-"

Santa-"enough Hiccup"

Hiccup-"but if you would just meet her or even talk to her you can see that she ment to be a guardian! Like us"

Santa-"Hiccup it's not that I don't want to, but I don't chooes who becomes the next guardian. The man on the moon does. Now I've tried telling you in ways you would understand but it wobt seem to go through your head. Why?!!?(Elsa hears from behind the door)

Hiccup_"because when I believe in something I stick to it. (he gives Santa a serious look) Now you are going to meet her and your going to treat her nice and with respect"

Santa-"and what makes you so sure that I will go out and meet her?"(jack and Rapunzel are looking at Hiccup in shock wondering where all this anger is coming from)

Hiccup-(he takes anither deep breath) "beacuse she's right outside that door" ( he said pointing to the door where she was hiding behind)

Rapunzel-"what! You brought her here? To the guardian tower! What are you crazy?!!?"

Jack-"Hiccup, even I know your not suppose to bring a none guardian to the tower and that's saying something. Now I'm usally about having fun and playing games, so I respect a good joke, but that's not funny."

Hiccup-"it's no joke, why can't anyone of you ever take me seriously? Elsa!! (he screamed) come in"

Elsa-(she quietly entered already knowing where this was going) Hello, my name is Elsa Queen of A-... Queen of ice and snow. (Jack looked up at her right after she said that)

Jack-"wow, hold up! You control ice and snow?(elsa nodded and Jack is in some kind of shock then gets back to reality) I like her. She's a keeper!"

Rapunzel-"but we cant keep her jack as much as we would like to."

Hiccup-"but Rapun-"

Santa-" she's right Hiccup, and plus she is felled with fear. She would stand a chance against Pitch.

Elsa-"now wait a minute I-"(she tries to defend herself before she was interrupted by Hiccup defending her)

Hiccup-"She might be a little shy but we can work on that".

Elsa-"now hold up-" (getting interrupted again)

Santa-"I said No!

Hiccup-"but if you just give her a chnace"(you can see Elsa is getting mad)

Santa-"my final answer is No, she's to weak, lacks confidencen and clearly isn't good enough if she wasn't picked by the man on the moon!"

Elsa-"I said ENOUGH!(she release some her ice powers making them traped in a circle made of ice. Then calming down she realized what she had done and ran out the room and began to tear up with her back against the wall) conceal, don't feel, don't let it show" (she said to her self)

Hiccup-"why would you do that North?!! Your suppose to give people hope. Not destroy it." (he look at all the guardians then ran out the room to find Elsa)

Merida-"Hiccup wait" (as she attempted to run after hiccup untill north said to stop and she stayed)

Hiccup-(he finds Elsa out side a door then comforits her.) "hey I should take you home, it's getting late." (Elsa nodds and within a couple of minutes they get to her palce and they say there good byes and he leaves. Elsa stay in her palce sitting on a chair that she had made thinking of what was to become of her.)

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