Chapter 1

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"Sometimes I wonder if your my kids or the devils"

-Lilliana Rey.

"Victoria! Vaughn!....Victor!..Get up here your parents are eating for you to come back to the palace"Looking up from the hieroglyphics, I see a olive-skin boy of 5 years old yelling at me and my brothers in arabic from the entry of the pyramid. My red curled hair getting on the way.

"Coming!...more like I'll try" In front of me theres a door blocking the way.Picking up my hair into a pony tale."Yo Vic, do you have something to throw this down?" Turning around my brother enters with sweaty shirt stuck to him,showing off his lean but built toned body with his six-pack, and his black glasses, giving him a nerdy appearance caring a note pad. Half of his red-head shaved hair style sticking everywhere. Only he can rock a style like that.

"Mmmm, we can wait and show mom and dad. I think this is related to Hatshepsut and Thutmose III." looking at me he asked"You think this may be there tombs?"

"Well we'll se soon enough, get out if the way this is kind of heavy,ya know." His textured modern quiff sticking to his for head,same built as Vic.only with out the glasses.

   As you can see,where triplets with red hair as fire, blue eyes like a clear-blue sky with golden specks. They change depending our moods. Our begie color skin almost saves us from skin burning.Almost. I'm a 5'10 feet tall while both of my brothers are a inch taller than me. Still can beat their ass thought. Our Russian accent is not that thick. We also know a little bit of everything but russian is the strongest. All of my family is from there. And as you can see right now were in a tomb,aka: Pyramid, and I do to want to die but curiosity killed the cat,but the satisfaction safes it.

"What do you have in there Van?" Vic ask with a eyebrow raised.

With a sly grin appearing on his face"grenade."

"Of course you do." Vic murmured.

"Are you a idiot,no wait,don't respond to that of course you or. We can't do the to the ancient walls here you dumb-ass, they can fall on us and we'll die." I relied giving him a underside slap to the head.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are my brother at all."Vic said, rubbing his nose while his glasses copy his movements.

"Leave this here,we'll come back later."

"Damn, and here I was almost using my grenade party poppers."

   Leaving the tomb and going to Mount Sinai would take some 30 or 25 minutes in horse back riding. Standing there with three dark brown horses was Misuri a arabic kid that helps us out while his father helps my parents.

"Thank you Misuri, come I'll give you a ride back home ok?" Vic said in arabic in a gentle tone to the 6 year old boy.

"Thank you Victor'Vaughn and milady."

"Well, lets go I'm starving."


"Come on kids, look at what your dad found. Hello Musuri." The thick accent shows thought her english. The dark brown locks dancing with the wind, warm honey brown eyes turned in our direction, a happy smile appears in the face of my mom looking at us of the entry of the tent that in front of the ruins that one time used to be the palace of all the ancient pharos. Ducking ourself to avoid the hitting part we entered the tent."Look it about the time of Moises."

   In the old rusty paper shows how the hebrews and Moises escaped Egypt, how the water divide  the water, making stand as tall as how know what. Moms tent is located in front of the Luxor temple. Close to Mount Sinai. The dry air making me wish theres a oasis close by. In the middle of the wobbly tent was a table with a lot of stuff and words.

"Wish there was some water,ya know" Van said. fanning himself said.

"No joke." Vic fanning also.

"So what do we have covered up so far ma?" All of us getting closer and surrounding the table inspecting the map with the tunnels and all.

"Well this looks like the place were they would keep safe their treasures, thats for sure. It looks like this is the tomb of Ramses II and his son."

"Poor kid...well the good thing is that, that time period ended long ago or else I would be dead." Van said almost I'm a amused tone.

"All three of you would be dead ,ya know. Sometimes I wonder if your my kids or the devils."

"Now now my dear mother, why would you say those horrible thing?" Vic said, faking the British accent. 

"For all those fights you get in. The three of you, besides that, the language. YOU guys give me a headache. Now where were we?"

"That the bast-I mean the bad boy that treated bad the slaves." Almost got whipped. I don't know about you guys but the chancel is my worse enemy every." Hey is that dad?" And sure enough it its dad. His dark red hair and blue eyes shown excitement while running at full speed, picking up dust in his run.

"Ooo honey!!!"

"OMG, we need more brown headed kids, there too many reds around," Mom murmured "WHAT!!"

"We found a tomb there come on It's only some minute away come-aaaa!!" A misstep and dad came tumbling down the hill of dirty. A few seconds later he stopped. Sitting up we saw that he was full of dirt.(A/N:heads up, it's Russian okidoki) "au derma"( OW shit)

"OMG, sweetheart are you ok?"

"Da, sapasibo  malsh."(Yes thank you baby)


"Sometime I wonder if mom is the one wearing the pants in this relationship." I tried to get there attention but I failed.

   Some minutes later along with three ear-pulls and we were headed to the tombs close to the great pyramid.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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