chapter 4

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Tris POV

  Uriah and I burst into the cafeteria and get In line. we both get dauntless cake and head to our usual table. Zeke, Shauna,  and Four are sitting at the table laughing hysterically. I take the seat next to Four and Uriah sits beside me along with Shauna and Zeke sitting across from us. "What are you guys doing here so early?" Zeke asks nonchalantly, I decide to say Uri was sick. "Uri wasnt feeling good so we decided to come home early." Zekes face had worry plastered all over it and it kind of worried me. I shrugged it off and decided I was going to mess with Four. I tapped on his shoulder and when he turned his head to look at me I smashed my cake in his face, which is a waste of a perfectly good peice of dauntless cake! He looks shocked at first but then he has a grin that spread from ear to ear and he grabbed me and pulled me as close as possible to him and started rubbing his face on mine wiping the cake on mine. I dont think and I grab Uriah s cake before he can think about whats happening but four grabs the plate and smushes it in my face. I laugh until my side hurts and start to calm down, I look at Four and he is on the ground clutching his side and laughing uncontrollably.  I look at Zeke and he looks upset and I know why, he knows I like Four but he told me about me being like a little sister to Four which crushed me. Four finally calms down and we finish lunch and Uri, Zeke,  and I head home.

"What the heck was that Tris!", we havent even been walking for 5 minutes and he's already grilling me! "What?" I play dumb and he only gets even more upset. "You know what im talking about! I know you like Four and he likes you but-" I cut him off because he just told me that four likes me! I cant believe he lied! "You told me that Four didnt like me! you lied to me and you crushed me! Do you even think about how I would feel?" he opens his mouth to answer but I stop him. "No, dont answer that! you didnt thi k because you're to busy being to overprotective!" im too upset to talk to him so I walk to the apartment fastly with uriah trailing behind me. Zeke just stood their in shock of my outburst. I burst through the door ignoring my mom and slamming my door to my room.

I changed into some pajamas and layed on my bed even though its  only 2 but im worn out from earlier.

Im being shaken and I finally wake up. I see Uriah and his eyes are puffy and I can tell hes been crying. "Uri whats wrong? why are you crying?"  "Tris, Zeke got dumped by shauna because she was pregnant with someone elses baby and he tried to kill himself but I found him and hes in the hospital." I cant believe my last words to him were meant to hurt him! I get out of bed and I run to the hospital and I ask the clerk where he is. "B54" is all she says and I grab Uri's hand and drag him their.

I knock on the door and I push it open to reveal Zeke with bruises everywhere which tells me how he tried to kill himself.  he jumped off the chasm but apparently survived. I walk to him slowly and place a shaky hand on his chest. His eyes flutter open and he see's me but he looks confused. "Who are you?" he asks I guess hes pulling my leg so I  play along. "Who are you?" he thinks about it for a second and finally says "Am I tris? because everyone was saying Tris earlier." I laugh and punch his arm playfully "No silly im Tris, You're Zekey!" he looks shocked, "do I really have a stupid name like that? can we change it to Uriah I like that name." he smiles at me and Uri and I bust out laughing. "Nope that ones already taken, buttttt", Uriah drags out the t's "you can have Zeke!" "I like that best!" he yawns and fades back to sleep.

im sorry guys I know shauna and Zeke are meant to be but they might get back together! I almost killed Marlene but I felt bad so I erased it bc I couldnt bring myself to do it! but Four and Tris are like totes getting together soon! I promise

anyway sorry for not updating as soon as I promised but ive been busy but ily guys and please vote!

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