chapter 11

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Ok so I thought about including the war but I decided not to and just like do a fluffy fourtris so yah.

im being shaken awake fiercely which makes me worried and I sit up abruptly bumping my head into someone elses.

"Ow!" I open my eyes and see Four rubbing his forehead at the foot of the bed.

"Tris, I think you cracked my skull!" He says laughing and I throw my arms around him and kiss his forehead.

"Im sowey baby! Pweez forgive meeee!" I whine and he just pushes me down on the bed and starts tickling. Im screaming but he just continues to tickle me and I try to escape his grasp but he is too strong. I grab the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss and he stops tickling me. I take the oppurtunity and push him over amd start tickling him and he grabs me and I jump on his back. He walks out the door and jeads ro the cafteria and I jump off of his back as soon as I see Uri and run to him. I hug him tightly and he laughs a little bit.

"Uri! What happened? Where were you? I was so-" he cuts me off by covering my mouth with his hand.

"I saw Marlene and I had finally gotten over her so I went to apologize for kissing her the other day and she accepted my apology and we hugged and Lynn came right when we hugged and she got soooo mad and she pushed me and we got into a fight and I hit her back and she told Eric that I hit her first which is a lie but he questioned me and finally let me go because someone who witnessed it told him she was lying." I feel anger building up inside me. How could she do something so irrational? I get up from the table and out the doors to the dorms. I see Lynn on her bed reading an Erudite article and I snatch it from her and crumple it up. Shes on her feet and she looks like she could snap at any moment. I punch her in the face catching her off guard and she falls back. I hit her again in the stomach and she crumples over on her side and gasps for air, I start hitting her all over letting out all my anger until im pulled back by who I think is Uri.

"Let me go!" Im kicking and trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp.

"Calm down Tris! " its Uriah and hes clearly upset which surprises me because I cant figure out why hes upset.

So I never published this, its not an ending but it's something! Sorry it's not finished but yeah.

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