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Authour's note: Please notice that the story went, once again, back in time. We went back to the first day of school of 9th grade, and this time, we will have Toby's side of the story. The year is 1971. Comment and vote if you like the story and message me if you think something doesn't seem quite right :) Thanks :)


-Toby POV-

Another year was about to start at Westfield High. Only 540 days to go before I could leave this small city. All I ever dreamnt about was to leave this place and go somewhere else... Some place where I might fit in. People may think that I had everything that every teen would want. I was in the popular clic, every guy evied me and every girl wanted to be with me. Surprisingly, I didn't have any girlfriend. I know, this may sound absurd, but none of the girls here interest me.

All these thoughts rushed through my head as I go on the bus. 540 days. maybe my demons won't come back this year. Maybe i'll be able to keep it all in and never let i show. Yeah, thta's how the year was going to go. Keep the good grades up, hope to be the leader of the baseball team and keep the demons caged up in my head.

I also like to imagine what it would be like on the last day of this year and at the end of High School. Only 540 days. I could imagine all the kids running out of their class rooms, throughing their books towards the seiling, yelling and how maybe, i would walk around and fit in for once with no demons in my head, and a couple of true friends.

The screeching sound of the brakes on the wheels got me back to earth. We had arrived at the school. As i got off the bus, a crowd fomed around me. Boys and girls were asking me questions; "hey man, how was your summer?", "OMG Toby! Your so hot and tanned!", "Will you go out with me?" , "Was up bros?". And the question kept coming at me like bullets. I was doging them as well as i could. My only goal was to go meet up with my friend, Sammy. He was supposed wait for me under the old oak tree in the back of the yard.

The crouwd around me slowly disapated as i walk closer and closer to Sam. He was sitting on the ground, a book in his hand, his glasses slowly slipping off his face.

- HEY SAMMY! Got nerdier during the summer?

- First of all, you can't become nerdier and second of all, where have you been man? We haven't seen each other in like 2 months!

He gave me a knucle punch and nut his back pack on his shoulder. He turned to me and said:

- Anything new happen this summer?

-No not at all, i went down to Virgnia Beach all summer. How about you? Any new girls i should know about?

I started to laugh. Eventhough Sam was a complete nerd, he always managed to get a girlfriend. So pretty nice looking girls too!

- Well actually yes! i met her...

He started blabbering about how great it was with her and everythng. He just finished his story when the bell rang.

-God dammit, i didn't get my books yet!

I ran to my locker, hoping i could get to my class before the teacher got there. As i turned the corner, i bumped into a girl. I didn't get to see her long enough, she was in a hurry too i guess, but amn was she gorgeous! I'm pretty sure she's new here. Her green eyes were stunning! I got to see her name on one of her tags. Elizabeth Caster.... Hum, quite nice... I'll have to talk to her sometime... I'll find a way...

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