Chapter 1

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I look at the planet as I arrive. I've never been to Tython before, and I'm excited to be here. A lot of thoughts are going through my head. I can't believe I'm actually going to train as a Jedi! A few moments later I land the ship and walk out, and I enjoy the view of Tython for a moment. I suddenly hear someone approaching me and I turn around in surprise.

"Welcome to Tython, Padawan." The man says. "Everyone at the Temple is looking forward to meeting you. Your former Masters praise your combat skills. They say you're becoming an expert duelist."
I look at him, a little confused. "I'm sorry, who are you? I don't think we know each other."
The man smiles apologetically. "Sorry--Derrin Weller, watchman of the training grounds. I greet new arrivals and show them around." He says as he starts to walk towards the building and I follow him. "The Jedi Council will assign you to a new Master to oversee your final trials. You will be tested in ways you can't imagine." He says while walking. "But when you leave Tython, you'll know what it means to be a Jedi Knight. More importantly, you'll know yourself." He says, turning to me as soon as we're inside.
"Let's get started!" I say with a smile. "I'm eager to face these trials. Where do I start?" I ask excitedly.
"There's a speeder here that will take you to-" Derrin's cut off by some beeping. "Hang on, getting an emergency signal..." He says as he answers it.

"--under attack, repeat, under attack! Flesh Raiders are invading the Padawan training grounds! They have blasters! Send help!" Is what I can make out of it before the message ends. Derrin's eyes widen in shock. "Flesh Raiders, armed with blasters? He must be mistaken."
I frown, not understanding. "Why do you say that? What are these things? Animals?" I ask.
"Flesh Raiders are a species of hostile natives. They're smart enough to use tools and violent beyond reason." He explains as he turns to a machine and starts pushing some buttons. "I'm sending every able-bodied Jedi down to the Padawan training grounds right away--especially you."
"Especially me? Why's that?" I ask, a little confused. "What makes me any better than the others?"
"You've been trained for things like this, I know I can count on you." He says as he types in some things on the machine, then turns to me. "Take the speeder outside to the training grounds. Push back the Flesh Raiders, and find out if they're really using advanced weapons. I'll catch up with you after I alert the Jedi Council." He says. He notices my hesitation. "Go! And may the Force be with you." I nod as I run outside and do as I'm told, and I take a speeder to the training grounds.

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