Maheshwari bahu...

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Everybody praised ragini...
And admired raglak 's bond.

Ragini started preparing kheer for all... As a rasam..

The great lakshya maheshwari who had never entered kitchen in his life was now seen 😂 helping his lovely wife in getting groceries to table...

She starts preparing Kheer and he starts admiring her..

Her cheeks were also getting heated along with the kadai...

"but ragini, carrot halwa is my favorite... " he pouts..

She smiles...

"I know! But u have already tasted thatday, Try this... "

"okay "

It was almost done and she was about to take a sip from spoon to taste...

"cheater! Give me also... "

"arrey, I was just checking the taste.. "

"what ever... "

She nods her head in disbelief...

"u have split personality Kya? Sometimes u behave a kid.. "

He smiles sheepishly...

She blows air over the spoon to cool it...

Imagine a lovely background music...

Lakshya was looking at her lips... In mind,

"last night was so memorable... Though it was an accident....I liked it... When will u kiss me? "

She forwards the spoon... He opens his mouth asking her to feed...

She smiles and feeds him...

He smirks at his mind...

"cheeni kam... "

"Oh!" She also tastes from the remaining...

"it's fine no... "

"really! "
He takes the same and tastes again...

"hmm! Now it is perfect... "

Ragini looks at him confused... Not understanding his trick...

While he leaves the kitchen rubbing his nape...

"I think I ll spend my whole life understanding him... "

Everybody praise ragini for her kheer...

Shru tho became fan of her kheer...

(she likes everything that her bhabhi does...same like her bhai...)


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raglak:made for me  by vm (completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now