lakshya to remarry 😢

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Hello everyone!

I am back with the most most wanted update...


U guys are so intelligent to guess the correct answers...
Most of u gave the right answer... Congo!!! 😘

Sorry, due to lack of time, I may not thank u individually... 🙏🙏🙏


Scene opens with ragini about to keep her leg out...

"rukhjao.... " someone says ...

Lakshya who was turning other side gets a ray of hope and a smile appears on his face...

as it is revealed to be
hill top babaji... 😀

He had come with sharath..

All the pandits stand up ...

That baba enters the house while ragini take back her leg...

Lakshya goes to that baba...

"thank god! U r here babaji.
Plz ask them not to separate us...

Tell them that all this is lie."

Lakshya begs in front of him while ragini cries painfully...

Shardha "lakshya! When all the great pandits have told, what will this bikari do..? "

All look at her shocked while that baba glares her with red eyes...

Babaji "lakshya! It's the truth... "

Lakshya steps back while ragini falls down and cries.

Sharadha smirks seeing everyone gasping...

"yes it's the truth... But the partial truth... "

The main pandit gulps his saliva...

That babaji takes out lakshya kundli and gives to all pandits...

"listen everyone! What all u heard about ragini kundli is true...

And the same is written in laksh kundli too... That is, his wife will have mrutyukantak after 1 year of married life...

Lakshya closes his eyes tightly...

Everyone look at him confused...

"they are made for each other such that they carry same pattern of kundli...

Both has the dosha for each other...

On the other hand, both are born in auspicious stars of Shiv parvathi...

That's y! That omen nullifies.... Only if the stars are together... Only if they r together... "

Now ap closes her mouth...

"And if u try separating them, they will destroy themselves..."

Raglak listen this and hold each other hand...

Babaji looks at that...

"how many times I told u to be like this forever...

Still, u broke that... And became each other misery"

Lakshya looks at ragini painfully like how much he asked her not to leave him..

While she looks at him apologetically...

Shardha "ap! This man is speaking nonsense... May be ur bahu has only got him here... "

Before ap could tell something, Dp roars...

raglak:made for me  by vm (completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now