CHAPTER IV: the horn

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Author's note: this is almost three years later.

Tigly! Tigly!" I heard my mother's distant call as I hurriedly made my way down the grassy path. "What?!" I inquired. I had to yell a little so she could hear what I was saying. "Come here, I have something for you." I obeyed and started my ascent up the steep trail.
When I finally reached the opening of our cave, I beheld my mother carrying something small and wrapped in an old, worn cloth. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "open it." My mother commanded in a loving voice. I tentatively opened the enclosed package, but what I saw left me speechless. It was the most beautiful horn I had ever saw. The horn was a gleaming white with a leather grip at the small end where you blew into it. In the middle of the horn, was some sort of stamp or seal laced with the most shiny gold. I was at a loss for words just by witnessing its gorgeousness. "I—it's—" I stammered for words as I tried to explain my indebted thankfulness to my tender hearted mother who had bestowed this undeserved gift upon me. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Thank you!" I exclaimed, expressing my unquenchable gratitude as soon as I had regained my composure. She smiled as she looked down at me. "What's it for?" I inquired, finally peeling my eyes off of the object to look up at her. "It's for your dragon." "You blow into it when you need her." She instructed. "I heard that you were going to learn how to call your dragons and I thought that you could use this." "Yeah I will; and I will never let it out of my sight" I promised. And I never did.
When Amber and I reached the training grounds in the village circle, it was just as my mother predicted. We all stood in a line with our dragons about a hundred feet away from us. The others were trying different dragon calls until one worked but I, however, only had one to try, which I deeply hoped would work because it seemed really rude to give back the selfless gift that my mother had lavished upon me. I took a deep breath, held up my flawless horn, and blew into it with all my might. First there was nothing to be hear but the other children's calls, but then there was a silence-shattering sound as my unique horn beloved out its commanding note. Everyone whipped around to see where the noise came from but I was hopefully looking at my dragon. Then she started galloping towards me, full of excitement. She jumped up into my arms and I fell right over, looking like a gronkle on its back! I giggled with glee due to the fact that my horn had actually worked! Amber came! A tidal wave of relief washed over me. I was overjoyed that it had worked.
After everyone was finished calling their dragons, I looked for Vivian so I could share my rejoicing in success with my best friend. We had both done remarkably well in dragon training and it was almost over. Then I saw her. There was terror and embarrassment running all over her pretty face as one of the biggest six year olds that I have ever seen was towering over her. As I slowly approached I could hear what he was saying. "Well, well, well, if it isn't mini Vivi." He jeered. He was making fun of her! Anger blazed through every nerve in my body. Every crack and crevice was filled with red hot hate for this imbecile who thought that he was better than my best friend. I marched over, fists clenched. Even as I neared the bully, I didn't slow down. I could feel my cheeks redden from all the hatred balled up inside me; but it wouldn't be for long. I was going to let it loose on the person in front of me who most certainly deserved it. As I got within arms reach of his putrid body, I swung one of my tightly balled up fists and made contact with his wretched face. He nearly fell over with the mere force of my well-directed fists. Oh, it was so satisfying! He looked at me with shock and horror. Vivian looked surprised too, but her surprise was more of a proud-of-you surprise. This took mere nano seconds to occur, but I wasn't finished. I kept marching toward the bent down figure. I kicked him as hard as I could in his back which made him face plant into the soft dirt. He quickly rolled over onto his back, and used his elbows and legs to scoot as far away from me as possible. But I wasn't about to let him get away without telling him a piece of my mind. I kept advancing towards the  now terrified bully and slammed my foot against his chest, pinning him down to the ground. His eyes were so big that they reminded me of the sausages we sometimes bought at the meat market around snoggletog. I then leaned in a little so he would hear the threats I was about to utter.
"If you ever make fun of my friend again, I will make you pay." I threatened before the teacher pulled me off of the terrorized boy. "Tigly!" The teacher shouted at me. But I didn't care; Gregor (the bully) got what he deserved. "You are behaving in an unprofessional manner! And I will not have you performing in this in this way again." She scolded. I wasn't fazed in the lightest. I didn't care what she did, or was going to do, to me. I had gotten revenge; and to me, at that moment, was all that mattered. If he messed with Vivian, or myself ever again, I fully intended on following through with my threats.
Author's note: so I hope you guys really like this chapter. I really wanted to throw in a scene where Tigly has a chance to show her fiery hot temper! So I hope you enjoyed it! Also, remember the horn because that actually does become significant later in the story. Don't forget to vote, and tell me in the comment section what you think about my story. I truly would like to know, good or bad. Anyway, love you guys, bye!

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