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You know that numb feeling you get inside? That numbness that prevents you from feeling any emotion, even when you're supposed to. Time seems to slow down, as you search your heart, but realize that it's void of what ever emotion you're supposed to be feeling; the emotion that normal, caring human beings should feel in this kind of situation. Then that numbness travels to the outside of your body; so instead of just feeling numb, and feelingless on the inside, you feel it on the outside too. Your legs start to get wobbly, and you start to question why the hell you're here, and how on the gods' green planet, you're going to get back into the place you're supposed to be?

Yeah, I know that feeling. That numbness has been here all day. Creeping slowly around in my blood stream, like I'm some kind of prey; like it's just waiting for the perfect moment to force me to collapse. The perfect moment meaning, it would be in the worst possible predicament I could ever be in.

Let me clarify.

The emotion that normal people should feel, but I wasn't, was remorse, or guilt. I'm not really sure what the difference is.

The numb feeling, where your legs feel like they're about to collapse, that from running for hours.

Yeah, in case you've been wondering, I'm not as sly with my fingers as Restrund just yet. I keep getting caught, and have to run for my life. This is the land of the vikings, so that last phrase could be quite literal.

I was currently being chased by three men roughly four times my size. Yeah, I could probably take them out easily due to all of my training on Valkayda, but Restrund banned all fighting, unless they threw the first punches, and I was only allowed to block, even then.

His rules, not mine.

He wanted to build up my endurance. Even when I was living without my mother, hunting for my own food, I have never ran this much, or long.

And to top it all off, I was lost. I was supposed to meet Restrund at a rendezvous point in an old shack by the docks filled with small boats, should things get out of hand; and I'd say they have. So now, I'm trying to find my way to the boat house.

preferably alive.

"Come back here you little thief! I saw what you did! give me back my money!" One of the three men barreling in direction yelled.

I ran like hell.

Why do we say that? Hell never runs.  I mused.

I didn't have time to think it through, though, as I felt calloused fingertips, grasping at the back of my shirt, which was whipping behind my back.

Yeah, I'd say they're fairly close. I internally determined.

I pushed my legs even further. The ground beneath me was nothing more than streaks of browns and greys, now.

Then, all of a sudden, there it was; like a glowing star in the black void of space, or like a flame in the dark abyss of an underground cavern.

The boat house was in view, like a shinning beacon in my ever fleeting life. At least, my life felt fleeting, probably due to the fact that the men were only a few feet away from me now.

I scrambled down the wooden docks, pushing my now jelly-like legs, even further.

I drowned out the men's shouts and threats long ago. The only sound resonating in my ears at the moment, was the 'clop clop' sound of the wooden boards of the docks under my feet, and the 'pound pound' sound of my heart nearly exploding in my chest.

I skidded to a stop in front of the boat house.

It was locked. To make it better, the men were now inches away from my frail form, that they would undoubtedly rip to pieces, should I happen to let them catch me.

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