Invalidating Kacchako Arguments #1 [s p o i l e r s]

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People come up with the most shitty reasons to hate this ship and it honestly has me 🤧🤧🤧??

Ok, so here's this argument someone put on my Kacchako chapter. Back then, I responded with kindness but now I wanna be petty, so 🤷🏽‍♀️

(This is directed towards the person who made the original Tumblr post, not the person who commented.)

Only brainless people actually have the audacity to call Bakugou a bad boy

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Only brainless people actually have the audacity to call Bakugou a bad boy. Also, Kacchako is far from a ship with a bland trope.

I mean, Bakugou isn't exactly the nicest person, but the line between good and bad is clear, and Bakugou clearly refuses to become a villain.

"Shows less respect for her"


Ohhh, I get it

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Ohhh, I get it. You're just close-minded and you like to completely overlook a good ship because 'huhuhu it's unique and I hate unique ships bawwww 😢😢'

"One doesn't care much about the other"

"One doesn't care much about the other"

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Imagine disregarding the existence of these moments all because you hate a ship lmaoooo 🤧

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Imagine disregarding the existence of these moments all because you hate a ship lmaoooo 🤧

If you find it annoying about people having different ship preferences, why are you even on the internet? I'M,, AGSGSGSH

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If you find it annoying about people having different ship preferences, why are you even on the internet? I'M,, AGSGSGSH

At this point, it's pretty obvious this is just some toxic IzuOcha shipper, but geez, at least know the problems YOUR ship has.

And no, Uraraka was actually thinking about her parents, NOT Midoriya, you damn idiot 😂

Don't forget that Midoriya actually DOUBTED Uraraka before the match, and Bakugou was the one who suspected this. He tried to give Uraraka his notes, implying he DID in fact doubt that what plan she had would work.

"It's crazy how people can dismiss their blah blah blah" Oh, shut the hell up no one wants to hear your whining.

You think your ship matters more than people's opinions, which that alone makes you the exact kind of person I detest. Just because Midoriya and Uraraka have a close companionship doesn't mean we should be obligated to ship it. Smh

Support for a fictional ship hurts your feelings so much that you had to write whole paragraphs on why you hate it? WOW 🤣

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Support for a fictional ship hurts your feelings so much that you had to write whole paragraphs on why you hate it? WOW 🤣

We don't ship it because we're desperate to see him with a girl, we ship it because it actually has great fckin potential, potential you are obviously BLIND to.

So basically, these paragraphs, that you wasted your time on, might I add, are full of invalid arguments. And it only makes me ship it harder.



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