One- A Dark Discovery

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Decades have passed since the Great Terror. Order has been restored under a new head. The Magistrate, a Council of Five, dedicated to the destruction of evil magic, and all those who dare attempt using it. Their rules on Conjuration, the Art of Summoning creatures from the Nether, are especially enforced with an iron fist.

Gaelic Dresden thought nothing of it. To him it was something he was to steer clear of.

Magic was a skill in his family for three generations. So it was a matter of tradition that he attend his schooling at the Citadel, to learn the Greater Magics, like his father, and his father before him.

As he neared the steps of the Citadel, he stopped, and marveled at the site before him. The grand tower stood tall, the hot summer sun shining at its zenith, making the Citadel's spire twinkle with sunlight.

"Four years I've been going to school here, and it's beauty never ceases to amaze me,I wonder if-"


Gaelic turned around, alarmed and slightly annoyed.

Oh great, Michel, he thought.

Michel Nottam, a Sixth Year and a Prefect at the Citadel, making him the worst person in the world to Gaelic. He thought Michel was the snobbiest, if not the most uptight douchebag he had ever met.

"You will not be attending your classes today.", said the Prefect, his voice tinged with annoyance, as if he had better things to do.

"What is it THIS time Michel?", said a very irritated Gaelic.

" Professor Niche is to be presenting his findings on the origins of Elemental Magic today at the Solarium, and he needs his Fire Tomes for his incantations! You are to go to his Study and get his books! Understood?"

Gaelic stood there, silent. Knowing full well it drove Michel mad.

"I said...Understood?" He growled through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Michel I understand. I'll get the Professor's tomes from his study, and bring them to you.OK?"

"Well...good. Get to it!" Said the Prefect, with a forked tongue.

Satisfied for getting under the snob's skin, he proceeded up the long spiral staircase in the Citadel, passing by the numerous doors leading to numerous rooms, hearing spells, explosions and the screeching of a certain Griffon.

Taming was a Lesser Magic. Gaelic never showed much interest in controlling a beast of the Great Forests, but that didn't mean they thought they were any less cool.

The large, mahogany doors of Professor Niche's Study glowed with multiple glyphs, seals and symbols warding off evil and "no good hooligans" as the Professor likes to call them.

The door was unlocked and Gaelic stepped inside. It wasn't the first time he was in the Professor's enormous office, but each time he saw the various scrolls, books, and seals, he saw the heart of magic.

Gaelic knew Karn was the city of all things Magic, but this room, was Magic at his fingertips!

" NAH...REH...DAH...BRU...GO!"

Gaelic stood still. He knew that was chanting. Not an incantation, but more of an, he thought. It couldn't be, it's against the law!


There it was again.

He followed the sound of the chanting, it grew louder and louder as he approached the side door of Niche's study, a faint red- purple glow emanated at the edges of the dark, oak wood door.

He opened the door just a crack, and what he saw was horrific.

The chill ran down his spine. As a great scream rang in his ears, it was almost deafening. Trying to see what was in front if him, through the thick haze of red and purple, was almost impossible.

The air was singed with sulfur and brimstone, burning Gaelic's nostrils, or at least that's what it felt like. But through the heavy mist he could see a figure.

It looked like a man. His hands were raised, like he was praying, no, worshipping and a great swirling black mist surrounded him, but there was no doubt.

That was the Professor. And he was Summoning a Demon from the Nether.

"I just can't believe it", said Gaelic,

"A Wizard of the Citadel, sworn to the laws of the Magistrate, is using Conjuration, an illegal Magic, punishable by death!"

And then all he could see was white light, as if he was blinded by an incredible force.

"What's...happening" said a bewildered Gaelic, as he struggled to remain conscious.

Then it was dark.

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