9 - end of our friendship?

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I went to school as usual, meeting Yuka on the way and she's energetic as always. I wish I'm energetic like her but happiness won't last right? Maybe she's having trouble but she's hiding it behind her smile.

Wait....why am I even talking about this? I sighed as we reached the school. I saw Bokuto was with Akaashi. We made eye contact but he broke it looking at Akaashi back like he's ignoring me.

We went to class and I sat on my seat. I sighed as the scene kept repeating inside my head. The scene where he totally ignored me this morning.

I jumped a bit when someone touched my shoulder. It was Yuka.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yuka asked with a worried face maybe she noticed me spacing out during class cause' I've been thinking about it throughout the class until I didn't even realized that it was already recess time.

"Oh uh yeah I'm eating." I answered giving her a smile to stop her from worrying about me.

We walked to the canteen together, I brought my bento together with me. We sat on the table in the canteen and I waited her there since she went to buy her lunch. I put my bento on the table and unpacked it.

"What are you eating?" Someone suddenly asked sitting on the other side followed by someone.

It was Akaashi and Bokuto beside him. He was looking at somewhere maybe avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed.

"Something edible, of course." I said sarcastically rolled my eyes as I started eating. I heard someone laughed a bit and it was totally not Akaashi, Akaashi never laugh at my sarcasm act.

I glare at Bokuto and he instantly stopped laughing looking at the other way. I sighed as I continued eating. They went away and Yuka finally arrived with her food.

We chit chat about volleyball and things while eating our lunch together. After lunch, we went back to class as usual.

But when I was about to enter my class, I felt like someone was looking at me so I looked at my back to see who it was but no one was at sight. I just shrugged it off and went to my seat.

"What's wrong?" Yuka asked since I stopped at the entrance. I just shake my head saying: "Nothing."

Class starts again as usual and I was just worrying about why Bokuto is acting weird today.

"Y/n? y/n!" Yuka snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I replied. Yuka blinked her eyes repeatedly.

"It's time for club activity." Yuka said with a unbelievable face. I laughed a bit as I packed my things and we walked to the gym together.

When we reached the gym, the boys volleyball was there too. My eyes were looking from right to left looking for non-other than Bokuto.

He wasn't there but Akaashi was here. I tilted my head a bit confused cause' like if Akaashi is here then he should be here too.

Practice starts as usual but since the boys were here, the new members was shy cause' this is the first time they're having practice with the boys.

I was holding back my laughter looking at the boys with their soft face except Akaashi. He always put his cold face on. I sighed as I sat on the bench to rest a little bit.

Minutes after that, Bokuto finally went into the gym and starts practice like usual. I was looking at him watching every move he did. He noticed me looking at him but he doesn't seemed to care and continued his practice. I pouted as I continued practice with the other girls.

Suddenly, something came to my mind.

"Maybe he's avoiding me because of my confession! But he didn't avid me the first day." I thought.

"Y/N!!" All of the girls shouted making me to snap out of my thought. I look at my front and the ball hit me right on my face.

It f-king hit my nose and nose starts to bleed A LOT and it hurt A LOT too. All of them looked worried as the girls crowded me.

"I'll take you to the infirmary!" Yuka shouted as she helped me to walk to the infirmary. When we reached the infirmary, the nurse wasn't there.

Yuka took a tissue from the infirmary and put it on my bleeding nose to stop the nose from bleeding.

"Are you okay now?" Yuka asked worried sitting beside me. I smiled at her and said: "I'm okay."

"Rest here for a while, I'm going to practice." Yuka said as she forced me to lay down on the bed before leaving the room.

I sighed as I closed my eyes reminding me to sleep. While I was trying to sleep, the door was suddenly creaked open.

Footsteps were heard. The footsteps suddenly got clearer and clearer. It probably standing next to me.

I heard a sigh as the footsteps were fading out and the door was closed. I opened my eyes freaking out.

"Who was that?" I thought to myself with my eyes wide open.

Minutes after that, I went to gym since I'm feeling okay now. When I reached there, they were having a meeting. I went the girls side and sat there to hear what the captain said.

"Newbies you guys looked tense today, what's wrong?" Saki asked the new members all of them just looked down didn't want to make eye contact with her.

The boys meeting was over early so they went home first. Saki gave a long speech to the newbies.

I raised up my hand and all of them looked at me. There was silence a bit, Saki broke the silence saying: "Yes?"

"Can we go now? Since you don't have anything to say to the other member, just the newbie right?" I asked.

Saki just nod as the other member went home. I walked home with Yuka as usual. While walking, I saw Bokuto and Akaashi was still there.

I made eye contact with Bokuto but then he quickly look away from me. I sighed as I continued walking to my home.

When I reached home, I went to my room and lied on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

My brother opened the door to my room looking at me. He then started: "Where's your 'tadaima'?" with an angry tone.

"T-tadaima." I stuttered as sweats runs down my face. He just replied me with a glare and went downstairs to continue cooking dinner.

I sigh in relief and looked up at the ceiling back.

"He avoided me today, maybe this is the end of our friendship...." I thought.

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