(Hey yo guys, my friend on CS, .Ciel Phantomhive. is really awesome. She's having sometough times,and I wouldjust like to dedicate this story to her.
Stay strong, Ciel}
I finished collecting the last soul, which was a little girl. "I'm sorry." I murmured. I had explained who I was, and what I was going to be doing. And I almost felt bad for taking away her life. She accepted her death, almost eagerly, which was something that never happened.
I returned home, walking halfway back, in my normal, gloomy, mood. I passed a few gawking boys. It was terrible. There was nobody to relate too. I passed a framiliar redhead. "Heeey, it's you!" A framiliar voice called behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks whipping around to some face to face with Grell Sutcliff.
"What do you want?" I growled in return. "Hmm, you have a hate on again..." He sighed reaching his hand to pull it off, but I slapped it. "Aww, but youhave such lovely hair!" He sighed.
"Me suggestion would be, Not to piss me off. Your in enough trouble as it is, and you're already on thin ice with me." I snapped walking away. Grell still walked beside me. "Heading to dinner, hmm?" He purred into my ear.
I turned around myhandcolliding with his face. I pulled his shirt collar down, smashing him against the ground, which earned me stared from everybody. "Listen you creep, I have no interest in you. So quit trying!" I hissed into his ear before walking away.
"Crazy homo." I growled ploping down on my bench with a sandwhich, a glass of jiuce, and a a little cup of salad. "Hi!" A voice behind me shouted. I felt the bench bend slightly as another person sat beside me.
"Hi." I growled to Ronald. "Ya know, I don't get why you are always so grumpy." He pouted digging into his sandwhich.
"Trust me, if you were me, you would have pulled a gun in your mouth by now." I insisted sipping my juice and taking a bite of my salad.
Ronald turned to face me. "Suicide is bad, you know." He looked at me.
I only rolled me eyes. "Ronald, we're grim reapers. Death is our thing!"
(A/N: No.
By the way, Ciel, Flaronald isn't a thing.
It's... Somebody help me think of a ship name for GrellxFlare.
Not Flrell.. Please...}

Passionate red, ~Grell, Black Butler Fanfic~
FanficGrell's expression softened. "Tell me dear, why do you insist on throwing your feelings through a downward spiral?" He asked moving a bit of hair form her face. "Because, sometimes you just can't. Sometimes, you just can't control your feelings." F...