Ketsashi Myroku (Official)

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Full Name:  Ketsashi Myroku

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Full Name: Ketsashi Myroku

Pronunciation: Keht-sah-shee My-roe-koo

Name Inspiration: His first name comes from the Japanese words "Ketsueki" (Blood) and "Iyashi" (Heal). His last name comes from the Japanese words "Mirai" (Future) and "Shiryoku" (Sight).

Nicknames: Sashi

Age: 19

Species: Psychic

Gender: Male

Symbolized: No

Color Mutation: No

Backstory: Ketsashi was born into a family of extremely talented healers. A rare and advanced skill, his family was well known for practicing in the healing art of blood transfusion, dating back several generations. Seeing how useful the skill was by how many would come to his family for aid because of their skills, he was adamant on following the family tradition. His Healer training began the moment he was old enough, and he worked and studied relentlessly to eventually advance his abilities far enough so that he could sooner master the talent that ran in his blood. He was progressing rather quickly due to his dedication, and his parents couldn't be prouder.

When the Shadow Clans attacked, Ketsashi and his family were completely vulnerable and at the mercy of their attackers. His family was swiftly slaughtered with the rest of his pack and he was taken to the Slave Camps. He was as obedient and submissive as he could be while there, but would continue practicing his skills on his own behind the guards' backs. However, he got caught a few times, resulting in two deep scars on his back and left hind leg. He was in one of the first Slave Camps to be raided, resulting in a quicker rescue than most. Though still traumatized by what he'd gone through, he adjusted to his new life rather quickly, and it wasn't long until he began his training again, eventually reaching his goal in mastering blood transfusion. He took an immediate liking to Micaiha after meeting her, and admired her vow to never fight again and to focus only on healing. He sympathized her fear of blood and decided to become her right paw, taking care of most healing situations where a lot of blood is involved. He eventually grew to have a crush on Micaiha and spends most of his time with her, soon resulting in him trying to achieve a brotherly or father-son relationship with Kaitou. He originally tried to help Micaiha when Kaitou first came to the pack, but ended up leaving him mostly to her when Kaitou bit him, leaving a large, circular nick in his right ear. Micaiha tends to call him Sashi which he happily accepts. From all those that love Micaiha, Kaitou does tolerate him the best, due to him not taking it personal when Kaitou bit him as he is a rather calm and gentle individual.

Personality: Ketsashi has always been a fairly happy wolf with a sense of adventure. As a pup, he could often be found wandering around the pack with a smile on his face. When he began his training, one could sometimes find him stressed from how much work he would do to reach his goal, but he still wore a smile all the way through. While in the Slave Camps, he became extremely quiet and reserved to avoid attention from the guards. Since being rescued and completing his training, he's become much happier and calmer and possesses little to no temper. He's usually seen around the other Healers, particularly Micaiha, and enjoys teaching others what he knows about healing, especially about his field of expertise to other Psychic Healers. He has devoted his life to the art of healing and will do whatever he can to keep those he holds close safe, no matter the cost to him.

Charm Origins: Ketsashi has a black satchel charm he wears around his neck. His charm is considered pretty useful, due to his occupation as a Healer and his personality, as it could allow him to transfer herbs easier (particularly to other Healers), could be used to store vials of blood if out on a mission with others and he needs to perform an emergency blood transfusion, etc. He also has a black ribbon tied around his left ear.

Scar Origins: He has a scar on his back, another on his back left leg. He has a bit of trouble walking due to the placement of the scar on his leg. He received these scars during his time in the Slave Camps. He also has a large, circular nick in his right ear that he received from Kaitou from trying to help the Shadow pup around when he was rescued.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Rank: Commander and Healer

Family: Unknown

Fun Facts:

Originally I had no ideas for him so I feel I made up a lot of his background with the help of Eevee, who has also helped me with all of my other wolves and has said she would continue to help me with my future entries.

She's been the girl keeping me sane and she's continued to keep me from going off the rails when I've been panicking and worrying. Shoutout to her!!

Huge thanks for keeping me somewhat normal while this entire process was going on!

This boy is primarily based off of myself, personality-wise. Not just the salty and kind, but everything in between as well. Except the studious part. That was Eevee's addition to make his backstory make more sense XD

Like with all my other wolves, Eevee named him for me.

This was probably the hardest wolf I've done because I didn't know what to do with him until a few days before the deadline.

Eevee gave me the idea for the blood transfusion expertise since she told me about it and I don't remember seeing any entries talking about it.

I also got the satchel charm idea from Eevee as I remember her telling me about how, if she remembered correctly, that only Psychic wolves could have satchel and pouch charms. She agreed that it would be good for him and that she also thought a satchel would be pretty useful, due to his occupation as a Healer and his personality, as it could allow him to transfer herbs easier (particularly to other Healers), could be used to store vials of blood if out on a mission with others and he needs to perform an emergency blood transfusion, etc. I agreed after that as I thought it was pretty cool.

His design situation is kind of a combination of Sewa and Hanaka. Like Sewa and unlike Hanaka, I came up with the ideas and picked out where I wanted his scars and kinda what I wanted for charms. But unlike Sewa and like Hanaka, Eevee designed most of his scars and his charm and placed them on his ref for me, which she had also colored for me.

He's my first male AzureHowl OC/entry.

My second adult (first being Sewa) and second teenager (first being Hanaka) to be entered to possibly become canon.

He's my second wolf to have scars (Hanaka doesn't count as her scars were removed when she was accepted).

He's not as calm as Hanaka and not as tough as Sewa but more of a happy medium.

He's my precious boi like Hanaka is my precious girl.

I have a headcannon where he is the counterpart of my female Wind wolf. She's not 100% like him but pretty close in comparison when looking at the personalities.

Apparently all of my entries will have a headcannon, either with someone else's wolf or just something I just think of randomly.

Apparently all of my entries will have a headcannon, either with someone else's wolf or just something I just think of randomly

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Lineart colored and accessorized by Eevee

Profile edited by Eevee

Lineart, AzureHowl and the AzureHowl Species © AzureHowlShilach

Character © Me

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