chapter 1

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The platform 9 3\4 was always filled with new people every year. First years and transfers alike. This year Sabrina spellman was no exception as her aunts dragged her through the platform by her elbows.

"Now be sure to write won't you" asked aunt Hilda as she rummaged through her purse. "Even of its only once a week".

" don't be silly Hilda, of course Sabrina will write were a family , can't get rid of them no matter how hard you try" she muttered at the end. "Now you have everything don't you".

" yes aunties I do , I'll see you at Christmas "Sabrina smiled at her family's antics.

" but that's too long "Hilda wined , Zelda nodding her head in agreement beside her.

" I'll write as much as possible I swear" she reassured , lifting her trunks from the platform.

"Don't be silly Sabrina , caring that will ruin your back I'll sent it over there" she cried slightly , dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. She waved her hand at the trunk causing it to disappear."oh I'll miss you so much" she cried , wrapping her arms around Sabrina for a hug".

"That we will" Hilda cried joining in the hug.

"Now then I'd better get on the train" said Sabrina as they let go of her.

"Yes, yes of course we have a wake in an hour"Zelda remembered.

" goodbye aunties " Sabrina waved as she boarded the train."I'll miss you ".

" bye Sabrina " the said in union.

The train was crowded when she entered it. People talked in the middle of the hallway making her shove them out of the way.

She finally saw a compartment with only a red headed girl inside reading a book. Without asking Sabrina opened the door and sat down across from her. "Hello I'm Sabrina" she greeted offering her hand for a handshake.

"I'm lily" the red head answered , closing her book to shake her hand."are you new I haven't see you before ".

" yeah I'm going in to third year" she answered.

"That's great , sev and I are in third year too. I could show you around if you like".

" thanks it a lovely offer , but I like to wander around sorry"

Lily looked sad by this but covered it up well. The pair had spend the rest of the train ride talking about their family and favourite books and such. They seemed to have similar interests which was great for conversation.

"Wait wait wait , you live in a mortuary" lily asked surprised , eyes wide in shock.

"Yeah its my aunts business back home"



"James , James my darling where are you" Sirius cried dramatically as he walked down the hall of the train."I miss you my jamie-poo"

Finally a head popped out of a compartment looking annoyed. "For gods sake Sirius shut up , we're in here"

"I've been saved" Sirius cried ,brushing away fake tears under his eyes. He ran into the compartment not even closing the door as he rushed towards his friends , making them fall to the floor."oh god I love you so much "

"Get off me you fat oaf" James huffed from under Sirius.

Sirius gasped in mock offence , clutching his heart dramatically. "Are you calling me fat"

"He wouldn't have to if you let us breath" Remus sassed."I can't even reach my chocolate you jackass".

"Oohh remmy that's savage" James laughed.

Sirius got up off the two , knowing what remus was like without his beloved chocolate."how was your summer".

"Good" James answered "we went to France to see my cousin's. Did you know they only spoke french. It was soo hard to know what they were saying. One man wacked me with a baget".

" what about you Remus , did you do anything " Sirius asked.

"No I just stayed home and read mostly" he answered while opening a chocolate frog."what about you "

"Solitary confinement mostly , I only was allowed out to get school supplies"

The compartment was quiet after that."hey were is peter" James asked looking around.

As if he had heard his name peter ran into the compartment. "Hi guys"

"Hey Pete" they greeted in union.

Peter sat down next to Remus. " so I found out something interesting" peter said happily , until Remus slapped his hand away when he saw him try to steal a chocolate frog.

"Well go on Pete tell us" James wined

"We are getting a new girl in our year" peter giggled.

"WHAT" Sirius shouted , standing from his chair "can that even happen".

" yes Sirius people transfer schools all the time" Remus mocked , cuddling with his chocolate.

"Pete my friend , just tell me one thing" Sirius kneeled in front of his at if he were praying."is she hot"he begged.

"I don't know I only heard 5 minutes ago"

"Uuhhh" Sirius groaned , collapsing onto the floor in a heap.

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