Chapter 30

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So it turns out that Dox decided to stick around and watch after he tried to turn me and Archer into human bits of charcoal.

We were crouched down by the back of the still burning subway train looking up at the platform where Dox stood. He was holding Rose's hand as he stared at the flames. The fire cast bright reds, yellows, and oranges across his flesh colored mask making him look ten times creepier.

Looking at him now I was close to saying screw Dylan and running for my life and letting the police deal with it.

Unfortunately I did have a conscience and it didn't like the idea of leaving Dylan so I stayed put.

I tore my eyes away from Dox and the little she-demon that was apparently his daughter now and searched the platform for Dylan. I found him sitting slumped against the wall with his head hanging low between his knees with Jason and Ski Mask standing guard on either side of him.

I leaned back and turned to Archer.

"What do we do now?" I whispered. No one should have been able to hear us over the sounds of the fire and if they hadn't heard us smashing the glass to get out of the subway car there was no real chance of them hearing us now, but I wasn't taking any chances.

"I'll go up there and play rock, paper, scissors with him for Dylan. Best two out of three."

I groaned and put my head in my hands.

I felt Archer pat my back. "I'm sure if we ask nicely he'll let you play too."

"We're so screwed. " I mumbled into my hands.

"No we aren't. I'll have you know that I haven't lost a game of rock, paper, scissors since I was in the fourth grade."

I wanted to scream.

I turned to Archer and spoke very slowly as if I were talking to a six year old. A six year old who wasn't a possible descendant of the devil himself like one pink she demon.

"Archer listen to me carefully okay? We are not playing rock, paper, scissors for Dylan. Your idea sucks ass."

"No please, tell me how you really feel." Archer said, his voice drowning in sarcasm.

"I'm serious. We need a plan that isn't going to get us all killed."

"Well since you don't like my idea come up with something better."

And just like that I had an idea.

"I got it. I know how we can get Dylan."

Archer raised that one eyebrow like all guys seemed to be able to do and I couldn't. 

"Trust me, this'll work."

I hope.


I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart as I prepared myself.

I glanced behind me one last time before I took the few steps forward so that the burning subway train was no longer hiding me. I quickly crawled up onto the waiting platform and when I saw Dox's fleshy mask turned towards me I almost turned around and hauled ass the other way. However, instead of running away from him I ran towards him, with my arms outstretched like I wanted to choke the life out of him (which I did) and screaming.

"You bastard! You killed him!" I screamed as I slammed my body into Dox's.

I forced tears into my eyes which wasn't that hard with all the smoke in the air and the brightness of the fire.

"You killed him!" I screamed again and this time I tried clawing at any piece of exposed skin I could get to.

Dox who was obviously shocked by both the fact that I wasn't dead and my little outburst seemed to snap out of it as he grabbed me roughly by my wrists and squeezed them tightly.

Please don't let him kill me now. That was not apart of my plan.

"You sick bastard! This is all your fault! You killed him! He's dead!" I let a few tears fall and gave what I hoped was a believable sob.

The gears must have started to turn because I heard Dox chuckle darkly.

"Did he not make it out of the fire?"

I tried to claw at him again but Dox clamped down on my wrists tighter.

"I don't even know how you made it out alive." He said cocking his head to the side, like he was trying to figure out how I could've possibly made it out while Archer didn't.

"Burn in hell." I spat.

"You mean like how your boyfriend burned in that fire?"

I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

Dox suddenly laughed loudly.

"This is just too good! I didn't expect this but I'm always up for a change in plans. You and I can have some fun now. What do you say?"

Dox yanked me closer so that my body was pressed against his. He leaned forward so that the mouth hole in his mask was next to my ear.

"I don't know about you, but I plan to have a lot of fun with you." He whispered.

I struggled and tried to push myself away but he just tightened his grip.

"You see sweetheart, this just proves my point. You're going to go through hell and there is no one here to save you. No boyfriend, no police, no one. You're all alone."

An involuntary shiver ran down my spine.

"Tell me, how do you feel knowing that no one can help you? That no one can save you?" Dox whispered.

I glanced over Dox's shoulder quickly then focused my eyes downward and let a small smile spread across my lips.

"The real question is, how do you feel about it?" I asked.

I felt Dox tense before he pulled back so he could look at my face.

"What are—"

Dox never got to finish his sentence as a shard of glass was pushed straight into the center of his back.

Dox gasped and let go of me before stumbling backwards.

"You... you..." Dox stammered.

I shook my head and gave him an innocent look.

"I didn't do it."

Dox spun around slowly, swaying on his feet to face the person who had stabbed him in the back.


"Hi." Archer waved.

"You little bastard. I'll kill—"

Dox's sentence was cut off yet again as Archer drove the glass into him again, but this time straight into his chest.

I watched as Dox turned his head, probably looking for his two other psychotic buddies to come and help him, or maybe even his little spawn of Satan, but no one came.

"Kind of sucks having no one to help you doesn't it?" Archer asked angrily.

"How does it feel to die all alone?" Archer asked in a low voice just as Dox gave one sharp gasp for breath and then slumped to the ground.

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