Chapter 32

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Archer yelled in frustration.

"It's not possible for someone to have this much bad luck. This has got to be against some kind of law somewhere." Archer continued to vent and kicked the wall. "I can't believe this."

"I can." Dylan scoffed.

I turned to look at him with a frown.

"What are you talking about?"

Dylan gave me a hard look before saying, "You two. Wherever you go something bad happens, so this shouldn't be a surprise."

Archer quit his angry mumbling now to turn and look at Dylan who still had a struggling Rose thrown over his shoulder.

"What are you trying to say?"

Dylan sat Rose down on the ground where she then fell backwards on her butt and glared up at Dylan but he barely noticed. He was too busy glaring at Archer and I.

He took a threatening step forward and pointed his finger in my face.

"You two are nothing but trouble. First I get the bad luck to be chained to a pipe waiting for a face full of steam and who does that masked creep drag in? You!" He yells as he stares at me with hateful eyes.

"Then I follow you guys around hoping that maybe you guys could help me make it out of here in one piece and where do you lead me? To another one of those creeps!"

In the dim light from Archer's cellphone I could see Dylan's face turning a dark shade of red.

"Then we get split up and guess who gets caught?! I do! And where were you two, huh? Where the hell were you two? Now we're here looking for a way out and what happens? It's blocked!" Dylan is practically screaming now.

Archer reached out and pushed me a few steps back.

"You can't seriously be trying to blame that on us when there were five mentally challenged nutcases running around trying to kill us. No one told you to split up, that was your idea and no one told you to follow us either! You did all of that on your own. Now you're trying to pin it on us?! If anything you should be thanking us. We saved your ass. Twice, if I remember correctly. In fact, if it wasn't for Gemma you would've still been down here because she's the one who wanted to come back for you. I would've left your sorry ass down here."

Dylan took one more step forward so he was right in Archer's face.

"You know what? You're right. I don't blame her. I blame you." A nasty smirk was now plastered on Dylan's face.

Where the hell was all this even coming from?

He either had a serious case of bipolar disorder or I was really bad at reading the signs.

"I think that this whole time you were just trying to get rid of me."

"Get rid of you? What the hell are you talking about?" Archer demanded. "We just saved you!"

"You see me as a challenge don't you?" Dylan asked.

Yep. He's lost his fucking mind.

Dylan didn't give Archer a chance to answer, he just kept rambling.

"You wanted me out of the way because you didn't want me near her." Dylan pointed at me. "That's why you want me dead isn't it? What, you scared I'll take her from you or something?"

"Dylan this is not the time—" I started but he cut me off.

"Oh, it's the perfect time. I want you to answer this question for me Gemma. Don't you find it even the slightest bit odd that he can kill so easily?"

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