Chapter 7 - ​I could live here. I thought to myself in glee.​​​​​​​​​​​​

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The rugged and weary walls stood surrounding me. They looked so stronge yet beaten from the other elements. Cold air seemed to cover every corner and the warm air never tried to crawl its way in here. Darkness swallowed everything and seemed to make worries come into my mind as something unseen. I turned around only to tripped over jagged rocks beneath me.

As I hit the ground, I felt the moist dirt on my face and the sharp rocks pierce my skin.

I slid my hand across the rough stone walls of the cave until I found my way to the end. I had reached a dead end. I was blocked by a rocky wall that held a small hole in the centre. Several big pieces of logs were lined up on the wall.

I placed my bags in a corner and then pushed the logs to block the path out of the cave. I left a reasonable amount of room for me. I kept a hole big enough for me to crawl through. I placed a small log in the opening to act as a door.

I could live here. I thought to myself in glee.

I found 10 candles in my bag which I placed around my new home. I lit them on fire with the only lighter I had. In a corner I placed my air matteress and spread out a bed sheet on top of it. I placed my stuffed doll and my blanket upon it.

I put my suitcase next to it. I discovered a foldable cloth basket in it. I put all my clothes in that basket.

This almost looks like home. I thought looking around the room. I rememberes the small hole on the wall. I got up to look the through it.

I was a forest. It shone with a pleasant glow as the little critters emereged out of their resting spots and went out to do their daily businesses.

It looks so inviting. I thought. It almost makes me want to live in a big green valley.

"How am I suppose to go their?!" I asked myself, thumping my fist on to the side if the small hole.

Just then a hole just big enough for me to crawl through broke open.

"Yes!" I cheered.

Scurring through the how on my hands and knees I made my way to the other side if the stone wall leaving all my things behind me. I took a big enough piece of bark to cover the hole I had just created.

It was a forest as clear as day. I saw the roaming insects of various sizes and colours neath my feet. The light was fading, creating new shadows and dark patches around me. The wind howled the ought the distorted trunks, carrying the sickly stink of wood rot. I moved faster and deeper into the rainforest.

I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. The bees hummed and the wind whistled. I inhaled a minty smell and continued on. I heard the delighting sound of my feet sliding through the leaves.

I continued my warm journey through the forest making sure I knew where the cave was located. In the day the forest looked inviating.

But as soon as the sun hit the ground and the moon was in the sky ...

The first wasn't as pleasant. The fog seen afar, brought an unpleasant feeling along with it. Every little sound made me look all around me, driving me insane.

The forest looked beautiful and inviting during the day, yet horrid and repelling at night. I quickly made my way back to the safety of my cave. I fell to sleep almost immediately. Tonight I slept and dreamt of a happy dream.

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