🐯11-worst nightmare pt1

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Here I'am pretending to love him as a friend but deep inside... I know its a lie

 I know its a lie

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~Wish I was your lucky boyfriend~

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~Wish I was your lucky boyfriend~

~Wish you were my lucky boyfriend~

Jungkook's POV:

It was already 12:00am here we are waiting for he's Majesty... My brother's boyfriend, hoseok hyung came early so he could help my hyung, also jimin hyung is here he's in the living room right now ,few minutes later I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was him ,I heard my brother calling my name ,and before I went down I checked my self in the mirror one last time and went downstairs...the first thing I saw was jimin he was pale ....more like shooked??,  looked like he just saw a ghost
-Jk:"yahh jimin hyung what's up with you???"
What the...
~I saw my worst nightmare playing right in front of my face~

-SG:"ahhh your here kookie, so jungkook this is my boyfriend Kim taehyung, taehyung this is jungkook my little brother ,and he's best friend jimin "
~...I was speechless, I couldn't talk ,I couldn't move...~
-Jk:"i-its nice to meet you taehyung "
-Th:"n-nice to meet you too jungkook "
-SG:"and this right here is my sunshine, my best friend hoseok"
-Hs:"nice finally meeting you taehyung ,yoongi talk about all the time"
-Th:"nice meeting you too hyung"


Its killing me,I think I'll start believing in fate ..yes we've meet at the airport we exchange numbers too, I can't believe it... the one I love the most is dating my brother I can't believe it, we're on the dinning table I can't eat ,I'm sad,felling down,broking heart,me and jimin were sitting next to each other same goes for taehyung and suga,hoseok was sitting right next to them,the two of them being lovey dovey in front of me I couldn't take it anymore... Jimin was looking at me all the time ,as for hoseok hyung he makes my heart hurts, I can clearly see  he's sad..so sad even though he's smile ain't leaving he's face but he's eyes are saying something else... I knew he had felling for him but he's just afraid to confess,afraid to ruin their friendship... I understand him...
~I-i can't take it anymore~
I gets up from my seat..
-Jk:"hyung I'll spent this night at jimin's alright?! "
-SG:"sure kookie "
-Jk:"we're leaving right now"
-SG:"you sure jungkook?? "
-Jk:"y-yeah hyung we should go"
-SG:"alright take care you two and be safe"
-Jk:"we will,and taehyung ...let's meet another time"
-SG:"s-sure bu..I mean jungkook"


Me and jimin left the apartment, best choice ever

Jimin's POV:

I couldn't believe what was happening taehyung turn out to be suga's boyfriend,jungkook is falling for his brother's boyfriend...what kind of bull shit...is this ...this is the first time I saw jungkook this sad..
-JM:"your okay jungkook???"

Jungkook's pov:

I-i couldn't take it anymore I was hurt I felt my eyes watering... I let  them fall...I felt two arms hugging me,I knew its jimin
-JM:"your okay jungkook "
-Jk:"w-what's h-happening h-hyung?!!"
-JM:"don't worry jungkook you can go through this you're a strong boy ,don't cry please"
-Jk:"....falling for him was a mistake... From the beginning "

Thank you so much for reading and voting enjoy and have a good day💖

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