Chapter FIVE!

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Hey guys!

Heres Chapter five! :) Hope you Like it.

If you have any ideas, I would realy love to here them :)

Im just gonna ramble some more down there :D

Please Comment. Or Vote. Or Become A Fan. xD


Okay why the hell is there a boy in my room. On my floor. NAKED?

Chapter Four.


Calla was still blushing.

"Embarassed?" I teased her.

"Shutup" She snapped playfully.

"You shouldnt be" I said seriously.

"Huh?" She asked still not able too look up. I stopped walking and took her hands.

"Look at me Calla" I lifter her chin and she met my eyes, I breathed. Shes so beutiful.

"Seth..." She began.

"Calla, I like you. Alot"

Her eyes drifted too my lips. I lent forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

'Finaly' A voice floated in my head. Emilys voice. She was smileing. I smiled again and took Calla's hand.

"Lets go home"

End Of Recap::

I shut the door after Calla stepped in, she removed her cardigan and flopped onto the sofa, she looked tired, we'd just spent the past two or three housr walking around, talking about, everything basically. From Emily, too Josh, from colours too comics, music too reading. Eveything.

"Calla, Seth!?" Alice's voice came from the kitchen.

"Hey" I smield at her.

"You two so made out" She grinned.

Calla blushed but grinned back at Alice.

"Yes, yes we did" I said confidently, sitting next too Calla. I put an arm around her and she rested against me, I could feel her dropping off already.

"Well, um, Call? Is it okay if Micheal stays with us tonight? He doesnt want to be alone because of, you know..."

"Sure" Calla mumbled sleepily.

"Thanks babe"

I heard Alice walk upstairs, and saw a flash of Micheals hair and his hand holding hers.

It felt nice holding Calla in my arms, I could feel her drifting to sleep, a small smile playing on her lips.

A knock came at the door. I sat up slowly, laying her down on the sofa. Walking over to the door, I opened the dead bolt, the door stuck a bit so i pulled hard, it swung open.

Two men in black suits stood before me.

"Oh shit" I hissed, grabbing the door to slam it shut. The two men lunged at me, grabbing me by the waist.

"Shit! GET OFF ME! GET OFF!" One of them gagged my mouth, I was soon shoved into a van. I screamed into the gag and kicked at the walls of the van, we soon bagan moveing.

Oh shit.


Oh my god, I know, I know ITS SO SHORT! Please please dont hate me!

I'll upload again soon, I just, I wanted to give this little teaser too you, and then the real chapter will be soon!

I love you guys


Okay, so why the hell is there a boy in MY house. In MY room. NAKED?Where stories live. Discover now