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It has been a few days since we told each other our feelings and over those days we have been making love like hour after hour, we are like always at it. But I don't care because when he's ready I take him to the pond and he will have my pups and we'll have a big family of pups everywhere.

But right now he was asleep laying on my chest and I have seen his stomach and it's getting a little fat from all the cum I put in him from all the lovemaking, I know it may sound crazy but I'm doing that because I'm getting him ready and more open so when he gives birth to my pups it will be easy for him to push.

While he was sleeping I left him alone with the blanket over him and I went to look for food. When I get back I see that he was awake.

"Where did you go?" Tyler asks.

"I went to go get food, we have to eat you know," I said with a chuckle.

"I know" I then put the food next to us and we ate "I had fun by the way," Tyler says.

"O really" I get closer to him "so did I" I then kiss him "it's been wonderful not to hide my feelings"

"Same here," Tyler says.

After we finished eating we just cuddled up near the fire and just relax.

"Can I ask you something Tyler?" I ask.

"Sure Beast" he looks at me.

"You remember that vile I had?" he nods "well I was thinking when you are ready we could have a family someday"

"Isn't that a little fast?" Tyler says.

"Maybe, but with us on this island, it would be just us and our kids or in my terms our pups"

"You want me to get pregnant during the winter, is that what you're saying?" Tyler asks.

"No" I put my paw on his face "the winter is not a good time for that to happen, the spring or summer time is and I did say someday, I didn't mean so soon"

"Well that's good because I'm not ready yet," Tyler says.

"And that's ok I'm not going to rush you into something your not ready for"

"Thank you"

"No problem" we then kiss and go back to relaxing.

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