I Speak

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Glinda stood upon her balcony, looking over Oz with a world-weary expression. War was rising, she could feel it. Despite having just disposed of Oz's tyrant, political tension had still peaked. It wouldn't be long now before that tension would finally explode into the long-awaited war where factions from every corner of Oz would try and take control. This wasn't a question of "if". It was a question of "when". And of course, poor, stupid little Glinda was caught right in the crossfire... Again.

Glinda wanted so badly to run and hide, to flee in terror from the terror and never look or come back ever again, but she couldn't just leave the innocent Ozians. Not like the way she left Elphaba... Memories of the snarky yet compassionate green witch flooded Glinda's mind and guilt came back anew, just as painful now as any other time in her miserable existence. The tears slipped down her pale, perfect, painted cheeks.

"Oh Elphie, I miss you so much!" Glinda wept as she gazed longingly to the western sky. "I wish you were still here, I need you..." the young woman continued to cry, occasionally calling out her fallen friend's name, as though it would be enough to bring her back to life.

Suddenly, then, someone knocked at Glinda's door. The young queen felt a mix of fear and anger surge through her heart as the knocking continued. She quickly dried her tears and forced herself to smile winningly, hoping that no one had heard her mourning the "wicked" witch.

"Come in!" she sing-songed, clearing her throat carefully to rid herself of her sobs. She watched the door open slowly, expecting for some foolish little noble to poke his head in and say that there was yet another Ozian wishing to talk to her. She couldn't have been more wrong. On the contrary, it was no noble at all! It was Elphaba's head flying monkey: Chistery.

He'd snuck back into the Emerald City Palace with Glinda after she took over the country. He wasn't planning on a permanent residence in the palace, coming back only to help Glinda cope with Elphaba's death, but he still did have a castle room to himself. He and Glinda had both told the lie that Elphaba had enslaved the monkeys with a magic hat and now that she was dead, he was free and looking to become something of a diplomat between the west and the Emerald City. Of course, it wasn't true at all, but it gave Chistery an alibi and Glinda was too glad to have at least one companion who understood how painful Elphaba's death had been to care.

Now, as he entered Glinda's master bedroom, Glinda couldn't help but smile warmly down at him. He might have only been a simple, stupid, smelly little chimp, but he knew that Elphaba and Glinda loved each other, and he wanted to help.

"Good evening, Chistery," Glinda spoke with genuine gratitude as he waddled over to her, wings flapping a bit, though he was not flying.

"You...speak..." he said slowly. Glinda had been teaching him to speak ever since she first brought him back to the Emerald City Palace and although he was improving, he still had an awfully long way to go...

"You... speak..." he repeated, waving a paw towards the window Glinda had been surveying her new kingdom through.

Glinda sighed miserably as his words sunk in. Oh, right, she had to give a "victory" speech on the "Wicked" Witch's death. The mere idea made her sick to her stomach, but she had to do it because she had to be the queen the Ozians needed.

"You...speak..." Chistery said for a third time, slowly but more clearly than the other two times.

"Yes, I know. I'm going now," Glinda said, a bit harsher than intended. She couldn't help it though. She was under too much pressure and had been for far too long. Chistery's stuttering was annoying right now, it was not something she needed to hear. But Chistery was just as stubborn as his old mistress had been. His wrinkled face became even more wrinkled as he drew himself up and spoke again.

"You speak!" he insisted, eyes cold, hard and proud. Glinda continued to stare at him in annoyance until, all at once, it clicked.

Suddenly, Glinda knew exactly what Chistery meant. Chistery wasn't just telling her to speak to the crowd. He was telling her to speak of Elphaba and the Animals, even if her words were indirect. He was telling Glinda to keep speaking and never be silenced again. He was telling her to use her Oz-given voice to change the world for good, and not to sing false praises to a man controlling her every action. He was telling her to use her newfound power to keep Elphaba's story and cause alive. Even if she could never say Elphaba's name again, she could still keep Elphaba's spirit alive by continuing to spread her creed for freedom and equality. Chistery was telling Glinda to use her power to help the powerless, to use her voice to speak for the voiceless. He was telling her to speak up and speak out, for all of Oz, because she had the power now.

She had the power now. That notion hit Glinda like a falling house and suddenly, for the first time since Elphaba's death, she began to smile. She began to really smile. Hope was restored to her. She knew the road ahead was going to be long and hard, full of all kinds of snares and obstacles, but this one small thought that she did finally have her own voice was such a wonderful and empowering feeling that she almost felt excited now. This was not going to be an easy task, but at least she had her own voice now, right? She could choose the word and stories now, right? She could truly start to be her own person and make a real difference now, right? Right!

Glinda turned to Chistery with a knowing smile. Chistery hooted happily and waddled closer to Glinda. She patted his wrinkled head.

"Yes Chistery. I speak. I speak for the Animals, for Oz, for freedom and equality, and for my dear, beloved Elphie," Glinda promised. She turned back to the window, hand slowly leaving Chistery's lumpy head. "Thank you, Elphie," Glinda whispered to the western sky. Chistery gummed happily in agreement and nodded, head also tilted up to survey the starry western sky. Then, slowly, he and Glinda parted from their embrace and Glinda heaved a huge sigh. For once, though, this sigh wasn't a sight of despair, it was one of hope, excitement, and readiness. Chistery, seeing that his mistress' friend was starting to feel ready and happy again, left the room with one last happy hoot while Glinda headed to the Ozians below. She was going to tell to them now the untold story of the witches of Oz, and this time, she was going to get to tell it her way.

"Tonight, I speak, and I speak the truth!" she muttered as her people came into view. It was showtime...

AN: Minor rewrite of the ending because we all know Glinda is still pretty much forced to only say what her people want to hear. In this story, though, she finds her voice and, through that, finds her confidence and hope again. Also, I threw Chistery in here because I actually love the idea of him and her being each other's coping mechanism after Elphaba dies.

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