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Matt's POV
Kinleigh is almost 4 years old now and Kirstie and I want another child but Kirstin doesn't want to have another kid since her pregnancy with Kinleigh was pretty difficult so we've decided to adopt. We wanted an older child, one that's around 11-16 since those ones are least likely to be adopted. We're going to the orphanage today to get our new  son or daughter and we couldn't be more excited!

Kirstin's POV
We're going to adopt a kid today!!! I'm so excited, I can't wait for Kinleigh to have a new sibling, although they will be a lot older than her. I get myself and Kinleigh ready and we quickly head downstairs where Matt is waiting for us. We make sure we have everything we need and then we're off to the orphanage! I don't think I've ever been so excited in my life.

Matt's POV
We've been driving for a while, about 2 hours. Kinleigh fell asleep in the backseat and Kirst is getting really impaitent. "Matty are we almost there?" 'We still have a little ways to go Kit. We'll be there in about 45 minutes' "ugh it's taking forever to get there" 'I know Kit but we'll be there soon'. After a while, Kinleigh woke up and we were about 5 minutes away from the orphanage. When we saw the sign for the orphanage, Kirstie's face lit up, I don't think I've ever seen her so excited except for when she had Kinleigh.

Kirstie's POV
We're almost there!! I can't believe we're actually about to adopt a kid. This is the best day ever besides when Kinleigh was born. I love being a mom and I'm so glad that I can help other kids who need parents too. We are finally at the orphanage and I get Kinleigh from the backseat and we quickly head inside. We meet the owner of the orphanage, Ms. Kipp and told her what kind of children we were looking for. 'Well, there are 2 here that fit your description. There's Lilah who is 11 and Autumn who is 16.'
Matt's POV
"Perfect, let's meet both of them and then we'll decide which one we want to adopt"
*Autumn and Lilah come out to where Kirstin, Matt, Kinleigh and Ms. Kipp are, holding hands and freaking out a bit since they are best friends who love PTX but they still manage to keep their cool*
Lilah's POV
I've been at the orphanage for a few years and I immediately became best friends with Autumn, although she's 5 years older than me. I can't believe one of us is going to be adopted by Kirstin and Matt from Pentatonix!! But that also means that one of us won't be adopted... But I hope we can at least see each other all of the time. I don't know what we'd do without each other. We sit down where everyone is, Kirstin and Matt ask us tons of questions, about our interests and things like that and we also play with Kinleigh for a while. Kirstin pulls Matt aside and they start whispering, I'm assuming they've finally decided who they want to adopt.

Kirstin's POV
I pull Matt aside and we actually aren't sure who we want to adopt. Both girls are great and I can't choose between either of them. "Matty, I really like both of them and they're best friends, I don't think I could bring myself to separate them." 'well... We could always get both of them. They're both great kids and I think Kinleigh really likes both of them too. They're older so they wouldn't be much work.' I slightly raise my voice, still whispering though, "Really?! We can get them both?!?" Matt nods and I try to help myself from screaming. We walk back over to where all of the girls are, admiring how good the older girls are with Kinleigh, I love that they're already so close.

Autumn's POV
Lilah and I exchange worried looks, knowing that only one of us is going to be adopted then quickly look back at Kirstin and Matt and Kirstin starts to speak. "Hey guys.. Matt and I really love both of you and we couldn't decide who we wanted to adopt and because you two are best friends, we've decided to adopt both of you!!" Did I hear that right? My best friend and I are actually both getting adopted by our idols?! Lilah and I look at each other and burst into tears, hugging each other and then we go up to Kirstin and Matt and hug them. Kinleigh runs over to us and Matt picks her up and says "Kinleigh, you're gonna have 2 older sisters" 'yay!!!!'

Kirstie's POV
We tell Ms. Kipp that we're adopting both of the girls and she was so happy for them. Matt and I sign all of the documents we need to sign and we can finally take the girls!! I'm so glad we got to adopt both of the girls, I feel like my family is complete. I love all 3 of my daughters so much!!

Lilah's POV
We finally leave the orphanage after Kirstie and Matt finish signing all of the paperwork they need to sign and we say goodbye to Ms. Kipp and all of our friends. As soon as we get in the car and drive off, Kirstie turns to Autumn and I and starts talking. "Do you guys wanna go shopping tomorrow?" "Yes!" Autumn and I say in unison, being the shopaholics that we are. I actually feel like I'm dreaming. My best friend and I just got adopted by our idols and now we're sisters! And we have the cutest little sister ever! I love my life so much! Autumn and I talk for most of the ride, careful to be quiet since Kinleigh fell asleep in her car seat and it's pretty late. We eventually got tired and fell asleep too.

Matt's POV
We finally reach our house and all of the girls are sleeping, including Kirstin. I wake them all up, except for Kinleigh as I can carry her and we go inside, all getting ready for bed. We realized that Autumn and Lilah would have to share a room since we only had one spare room set up with a few things,  although they don't mind sharing a room. Their room is pretty bland right now since we didn't know until today whether we were adopting a boy or a girl and we only set up bunk beds and a desk but we're taking the girls shopping tomorrow so they can get clothes and things for their room and basically anything else that they want or need. Kirst and I check on the girls and they were talking a bit until we came in. Autumn was the first one to speak once she saw us.

Autumn's POV
'Oh hey Matt, hi Kirstie', followed by Lilah repeating what I said. "hey girls, you know you can call us mom and dad now right?". Lilah and I look at each other, beaming with happiness 'Okay Kirs- I mean mom" and we all laugh at my what I said. "Before we go shopping tomorrow, we're going to introduce you two to the rest of the band, their significant others and our families, does that sound good to you guys?" "Yeah, we can't wait to meet them all!" We talk for a while and eventually Lilah and I get really tired and almost can't keep our eyes open. I hear Kirstie and Matt say goodnight to us and we say it to them before finally allowing ourselves to fall asleep.

Kirstie's POV
With all 3 girls asleep, Matt and I go into our room and lay in bed for a while. I'm so happy with my little family. I already love the Autie and Li so much and I'm so glad that I get to be their mom and give them a better life. I'm the happiest I've ever been and I can't wait to introduce the girls to the rest of the band and my mom and Matt's family. Matt and I cuddle and talk for a while before he kisses the top of my head and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: this chapter is kinda dedicated to my best friend Lilah (ptxstxn) and it's probably my favorite one shot I've ever wrote 💕

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