New Years Eve

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Kirstie's POV
It's New Years Eve and I'm having a party at my house for all the members of ptx, our crew and our significant others/some friends. Jessica and Taylor are here to help me get ready and set things up. It was only 3pm and the party isn't starting until 6 so we still have some time to get ready. We start putting food and drinks out and we decorated a bit and then we went upstairs to my room to get ready. We did our hair and makeup, changed into our outfits and took tons of pictures of our looks for tonight. We went back downstairs to make sure everything was perfect and we talked a little before I heard the doorbell ring. I answer the door and I'm met with Mitch, Beau, Scott and Mark.
"Hey Kitty, you look hot!" Mitchie exclaims as he hugs me. 'thank you mitchie, you look amazing as well!!'. I hug the rest of the guys and they go to where Jess and Taylor are and soon a lot of other people show up. Kevin and Leigh get here not too long after Meau and Scomark. And soon Esther, Darrien, Ben, Natalie, Andrea, Lindsey and the rest of our crew shows up. The only person missing is Matt...but I'm sure he'll show up soon, he said he would be here. I go to where everyone else is and soon enough, the doorbell rings. I answer the door and there's Matty. "Hey Kit, I'm sorry I'm late." 'No problem Matty'  I say as I pull him into my embrace. "You look so stunning" 'thanks Matty, you don't look too bad yourself" I say and he playfully rolls his eyes and I guide him to where everyone else is. Matt immediately gravitates to where Kevin is and they start talking so I find Jess and Taylor again.

Matt's POV
I'm standing with Kevin, Leigh, Ben, Esther and Darrien and I can't help looking across the room at Kirstin. She's so stunning. Kirst turns in my direction and smiles, locking eyes with me for a moment before she goes back to whatever conversation she was having with her friends. Kevin looks at me and chuckles a little before talking. "Little bro, you've liked Kirstin forever and it's obvious that she likes you too. You gotta make your move tonight!" 'I don't know man, I really want to but how should I do it' "it's new years Eve, everyone is gonna be kissing at midnight.. just do it then, she really does like you a lot, everyone can see it". I listen to Kev and I'm so deep in thought, trying to decide what to do until I hear Kirstin making an announcement. "I want to thank all of you for coming tonight. This year has been so crazy for Pentatonix and I want to thank you all for the amazing memories this year and for being amazing friends....I raise my glass to another year of friendship, love, success and happiness! Bring on 2019!!" And everyone applauds her speech. I check the time on my phone 11:45. I walk over to Kirstin and we start talking about how crazy 2018 has been and what we hope happens in 2019. Suddenly the countdown began. "10...9....8..." I speak up so only Kirstin can hear me. 'Kit, I'm in love with you' she gasps before smiling and saying "I'm in love with you too". "2....1!". Kirstin's lips found mine as soon as everyone yelled. I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me. We slowly pulled apart from lack of air. "Happy new year" Kirstin breathed out, her face slightly red. 'Happy new year princess' I whisper back and Kirst snakes her arms around my neck to kiss me once more. "So I guess this makes us official" I say and Kirst nods with a huge smile plastered on her face.
Who knew the New Years Midnight kiss would actually work?

A/N: hey guys! A cute little new years Eve one shot since new years Eve is in like 2 days and I actually have a theory that katt is secretly dating and will announce their relationship on New years Eve with a picture of them kissing on Instagram. It probably won't happen haha but I came up with that theory a few weeks ago and I thought it was cute and wanted to write a one shot based off of it. Hope you guys like it!!

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