The New Kid

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Allen POV

Another school....

That probably doesn't make sense, im Allen Walker I've got the WORST backstory ever...

So it starts when I was born, I was born with MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder.

This means I could be the sweetest most innocent little child you've ever met, then a second later I could be an insane serial killer with a thirst for blood... so yea not the best childhood.

Speaking of childhood I spent most of mine on the streets. That's right my parents abandoned me and threw me out.....WHEN I WAS A BABY!!!!

So one of the only good parts of my life actually happened.

I met Mana Walker

I ended up with a circus, I got lost behind one of the tents~~blah blah blah basic meeting mana backstory we've all heard a thousand times~~

Anyway so I lived with him for a while but then it happened.

We were at his little house he had made for us, it was a normal morning, we had just woken up and he made us breakfast, but....

As we were eating Neah The Neah that I haven't seen in almost 5 years takes over...

By the time I came to, Mana was dead.

I Dont remember anything from when I become Neah... the only information i get is what people tell me.

Not that many people talk to me, but people like the police and the footage I see from servalience cameras.

I try not to get close to people now a days because they could end up dead. I try to talk to my servalince officer Link but he doesn't talk much.

Oh yeah, did I forget to tell you about Link?

Yea he is my servalience officer, the police assigned him to me because Neah is a serial killer.

And (as I keep being reminded) under NO circumstance is he to be removed from my side.

I get a light shined into my eyes at least 80 times a day....

And another thing, for most people they think I'm just a rich kid with a body guard but that's not it At All.

Anyway back to the present I've been assigned a new school because Neah killed a student at my old one.

I've been all over the world trying to find a place to stay without moving.

The longest I've ever been in a school was 2 years and that was a struggle for me to hide Neah.

I just can't make friends when people Google me and see a criminal record for murder.

I just got out the car for the first day of school.

I walk up the steps already getting weird looks, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone.

They turned around and I apologized, but as I started to walk away they grabbed my shoulder.

Well Link ended that quickly

As soon as he put his hand on me Link grabbed his wrist and twisted until he let go.

The guy didn't run away or yell or anything he just apologized for touching me and said his name was Lavi.

He asked if we could hang out because I was new and he knew everyone, he even made little profiles for everyone in his mind.

I told him it was fine and continued to my class...

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

It is now lunch time and I choose to sit alone (well I didn't really choose but...)

I sat down and Link sat beside me. As we were eating Lavi came by and sat down in front of me.

Then two other people came and sat down with him, one was a girl who was pretty cute with a dark green bob.

The other was a male......I think

They had long dark blue hair in a pony tail, and beautiful cobalt eyes.

For once I was thinking of my sexuality.

Strange as it may be Link didn't even look up he just sat there eating with

I didn't have much time to be surprised before the green haired girl introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Lenalee Lee, nice to meet you!" She said rather estaticly.

"And this is Kanda" she added as she shook my hand, then Lavi asked me about my gloves.

"Thats classified information." Link said rather sternly.

And thank God he did because Lavi didn't ask again.

"What's your name?" Lenalee asked in a sweet voice

"I'm Allen." I said flatly. I didn't want them googling me and telling the whole school.

"Nice to meet ya Allen!" Lavi said

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Before I got up Link had to check my eyes.

The other three just waited for me to be done and get up, not asking any questions.

~~~~~~another time skip~~~~~~

The day ended and as I walked out the school gates. Lavi, Lenalee, and Kanda were waiting for me.

"Hey Allen, wanna walk home with us?" Lavi asked, I looked at Link and he shook his head.

"Sorry guys, Link said no." I said in a sad voice

They just said maybe next time and left, Link gave me a worried look and checked my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as he puts away his flashlight.

"The Allen Walker I know would never want to get close to anyone." He said to me as we got in the car.

"Maybe it's time for a change." I say as we leave the school.

Hi! So how was that. I have great ideas for this book😊 -VannaBrooke

P.S. I just accurd to me that I didn't explain why allen has to get his eyes checked, its cuz his eyes turn gold when neah takes over. Or sometimes if he's close to taking over, allens eyes will have flecks of gold.

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