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(This picture is what allens eyes look like when neah takes over)

Allen POV

When we arrived at the police station, link got out of the car and took me by my restraints into the building.

We got inside and link flashed his badge at the officer at the desk. "May I help you?" The officer said in a slightly rude fashion.

"Yes," link proceeded to talk to him like he wasn't offended. "I have a man who needs to be locked in a cell here."

The officer at the desk just looked up at link with a board expression. "And what is he being locked up for?" The man once again proceeded to talk to link as if he wasn't holding a dangerous criminal.

Link lost his patience at that point and slammed a fist on the desk top. "If you don't take me to the holding cells RIGHT NOW, I will have you arrested for obstruction of justice!"

The officer looked appalled at the sudden outburst but quickly got up from his seat and asked link to follow him to the back.

They put me in a cell. Link thanked the officer and pulled up a chair next to the cell.

I could feel link studying me carefully. I didnt want to look at him.

About that time I could hear muffled yelling from the front of the station. Link heard it too and looked at me to ask if I wanted to tell them.

I sighed and nodded, might as well. Its not like I can hide this like I didnt just get arrested.

Link gets up to let lavi, kanda, and lenalee in, I sit on the cold stone floor. Waiting for them to see me, in our haste to get me in here I forgot to even ask link if my eyes are back to normal yet.

The three teens piled in the cell room, not allowed to get but so close to the cell anyway.

They were looking at me, eager for me to explain everything that was happening.

"Are my eyes still gold?" I ask in a sullen voice. No one answers for a while.

"Yes." Link says, Plain and simple.

I sigh and finally make eye contact with my 'friends'

People don't usually wanna be friends and I usually try to avoid getting attached. Most people if they saw this would've just left me to be arrested and went about their day.

But not these guys.

They went out of their way to follow me all the way to a prison cell. What do they want from me?

Lavi was the first to speak up, "so what is he, your parole officer?" (Referring to link)

I looked up at him and opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. What was link?

Was he a parole officer? Or maybe a undercover cop? No, those didn't sound right.

"He is an officer assigned to me from England. We've been all over together." I finally answered.

This time lenalee spoke, "why do you have a special officer following you around? And why did he bring you here?"

I look up at link, he gives a nod of approval and I continue to answer their questions.

"I........*sigh* I'm a dangerous criminal. Thats why Link was assigned to me" I answered without looking up.

A few seconds of drawn-out silence later, I hear a snicker.

Kanda and Lavi burst out into hysterics.

"Oi! What's so funny!" I yell at the two, my accent coming out quite thick.

Lavi, half on the floor, answers, "you...*giggle*.... a dangerous criminal....*pfft*"

The two boys continue for a while more before they finally realize no one else is laughing.

Once they quiet down Link explains, "What Walker says is true. He is a very dangerous criminal."

The trio just look at Allen with confusion and disbelief.

"How....?" Kanda asks, still in awe at the sudden news.

I take a deep breath and lay my head against the cold, stone, wall behined me.

"I....I've killed people"

That was all that had to be said for the few remaining giggles from lavi to be snuffed out indefinitely.

The thick, eerie silence that hung in the air was defining.

I couldn't bring myself to look at them. They were the only ones.....that wanted to listen.

The only ones that...........


At that moment everything became fuzzy. My hearing started to fuzz in and out.

My vision began to fade. It felt as if I was just thrown into the middle of space.

No sound. No feelings. No sight.

No friends

Kandas POV

"I've killed people"

Those simple words stopped me in my tracks.

Stopped my breathing. My heart. My thoughts. Everything.

It was as if time just stood still for seconds. It was so quiet and still. I couldn't tell if I was even conscious.

The still quiet lagged on for what felt like hours before something wasn't right.

Link hadn't taken his eyes off the Moyashi since we've been here. There wasn't a single second he had looked away.

Until right now.

Link was looking at us.

He looked as of he was just as shocked as we were by the news of our friends crime.

He was studying our faces, one by one, trying to figure out our thoughts.


The atmosphere changed in an instant.

Link when from looking at us to jumping out if his chair, standing protectively in front of the three of us, and......

Pointing his gun at the Moyashi

I was about to yell at Link, it looked as though I wasnt the only one.

But a single sound, shut us all up at once.

"Heh heh heh"

This sick, deranged, twisted laugh....

It was coming from the Moyashi...

This couldn't be real. We've only known Allen for a short while but... even we knew, this sound shouldn't be coming from him. From Allen.

The maniacal laughter continued, as did link. Pointing his gun at the moyashi like that just looked so...unnatural.

When the laughter settled into giggles, the Moyashi looked up at us.

That was not the moyashi

In the milliseconds it took the three of us to realize it wasn't the moyashi sitting, handcuffed, gold-eyed, in front of us. Link was already escorting us out of the room.

We were rushed into the main lobby, the door shut tight behined us. Link still had his gun out. And he had a firm grip on the door knob.

Before we could even ask what the hell was happening. Link told us to go home, and to wait for him there.

None of us asked any questions as we exited the small police station. We all piled into my truck and drove off. That was.......

Until we heard gunshots...

~yooo iz me. This cliffhamger is terrible I know. Pls forgive me. If you liked this part give it a fav! if you didn't thats cool too, its whatever. Till next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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