Nosey Kanda

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Allen POV

We rushed to Lavi's room, knocking as we approached the door.

As Lavi opened the door Link pushed us all inside the apartment.

Lavi looked confused as allen just stood their looking awkwardly at him.

"So... What's up Al?" Lavi asked in a calm voice.

"I'm sorry for all this Lavi, what do you know about me and my past?"

"Well, I havent really looked into it. But I know that something big happened in your small town of Fordwitch. I'm still not sure what it was yet, but I'm pretty sure you had something to do with it didnt you?"

I looked at Lavi, his face was stone. I couldn't read his expression.

I sighed, I looked at link. He was waiting for me to tell him what to do.

"Link can take it from here"

They both gave me a wary look, but non the less, link got up and started to inform Lavi.

"Mr.Bookman, you may not share the information you have learned with anyone. Not your friends, not your family, not even your pets. It's best to forget you ever learned anything. Furthermore, you may not look any further into this matter. If we find out you have betrayed our trust, we will have no choice but to move countries again."

Once Link finished, I looked over at Lavi. He looked as though the world was hanging in the balance with his decision.

"Can we please just talk about this with the others? Dont you think it would be better if everyone knew. I think it better not to have secrets between friends."

I looked at him teary eyed, then I looked at Link. I wouldn't have believed it if you told me but... Link was smiling at me.

I think he wants me to let them know. And, I'm starting to think I should. But, what would happen if they distance themselves because of it.

I tell Lavi that I would like to get better acquainted with all of them before we even began to discuss anything.

Link looks at me with a confused face,"what?" I say turning my head slightly.

"Why do you want to get better acquainted with them? all that's gonna do is make it harder for you."

I think about what link said, he did have a point. But at the same time both sides had pros and cons.

If I told them now, we would have a strong relationship with each other and theirs more of a chance they'll reject me.

On the other hand if I wait and tell them when were closer, theres a better chance they'll except me. But if they dont... It might break me.

I tell Lavi to not worry about it and carry on with his day, Link and I leave and go back to our apertment for the night.


I'm sitting in my 2nd period class trying not to fall asleep, I barely got any sleep last night. I was plagued with the memories of our conversation with Lavi.

I start to close my eyes to fall asleep.


I see Kanda looking over at me with a look of... Concern?

I was startled to see and emotion other than annoyance on his beautifully sculpted face.

Not startled enough to stay awake tho.

Kanda's POV

Me and the usagi had a weird conversation last night, I just cant stop wondering what he was trying to tell me.

It was late and I hate being woken up by that baka usagi but.. something told me to answer it.

I was half asleep so I only caught some of what he was saying.

It had something to do with the Moyashi and his past but that's about all I got before I hung up and continued to sleep.

I looked over at the Moyashi, he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

The bell wouldn't ring for another half hour, our teacher had stepped out for something so people started to talk and move seats.

I decided now was a good time to get some answers from the Moyashi.

I got up and made my way over to his desk. All the while staring down his shadow or whatever that guy was.

"May I help you Mr.Kanda?" He asked. I looked at him with my arms crossed and said,

"Che, I wanna talk with the Moyashi."

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didnt stop me when I began to walk closer to his desk.

I looked at the Moyashi, He looks so cute
What?!?! I continued to look at him, debating weather or not to wake him.

I decided that I was more curious than nice and began to shake him slightly.

"Hey Moyashi, wake up I wanna talk to you." I tell him as his eyes slowly start to open.

Allen POV

I'm awakened by someone shaking me. "Hey Moyashi, wake up I wanna talk to you."

Is that, Kanda? I slowly open my eyes to be met with Cobalt blue ones.

"Are you OK Allen?" Link asked me as I slowly start to sit up.

"Yes Link, I'm fine just a bit tired." I tell him with a yawn. I look over at Kanda, his eyes on me.

"I need to talk to you alone." He whispered. His deep voice coaxing me to obey.

I look ever at Link, knowing he heard Kanda's not-so-whisper, and he nodded.

I get up out of my seat and follow Kanda into the hallway. "So what did you wanna talk about" I ask him, slightly unnerved by the look he was giving me.

"Lavi called me last night trying to tell me something, It had to do with you and your past but then he told me not to ask you about it."

"So, wait. He told you not to ask me about it. So... you come and ask anyway?" I told Lavi to forget about it, I'll have to talk with link later.

"Yea, I dont take orders from baka usagi's" he said just as the bell rang.

"I'll talk to all of you about this later, but right now-"



"No, I dont want this to be an everyone kind of talk. I wanna know, but I dont want everyone to." He said. His eyes throwing daggers at those leaving the class.

"*sigh* Give me your number, we'll figure out a place and I'll tell you but... please... dont..." I was on the brink of tears when I take off towards link and we head to my 3rd.

Hiiiii, ik it's been forever but since Covid-19 is keeping me home I'm gonna be updating this story alot. Hopefully.

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