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"We are all....well how do I put his.....we are special"

You acted confused tried not to laugh. "" You added "well,um~" "juts day it we can transform to creatures"Jungkook is at the door Teahyung behind him smily "that one way to put it" "so that why you all didn't come out cut,bruised nor bloody the last week with Ki" Yoongi eyes wide "well Ki's group there human but not completely they can kinda see the future for 5 seconds or do magic thing like that but they couldn't not in front of everybody"he shrugs.

"What is everyone" you looked into each one "Ima. Wolf obviously,sorry about that anyways,it come with anger issues so it then times harder to control" "been there" you whisper to yourself "I'm a Phoenix"Teahyung shines his eyes brightly at you. You've never seen one but your mother used to tell the stories of how great  warriors they where. "I'm a dragon" you eyes where even wider Jin's  purple like eyes popped out "wow" you loved dragons they where so beautiful and elegant, "Im a griffin" Namjoon spoke you almost fainted you where so amazed of the diversity of them all living together his eyes shined a light blue. "I'm a Pegasus" Hoseok dark blue eyes flashed quickly his species where enemies of woods along time ago "Ima a hybrid black jaguar" Jimins eyes flashed yellow as well,and that why he wasn't afraid hybrid jaguars where literally fearless almost.

The room went silent for a moment "Yoongi?" Hoseok a d Yoongis head shot up "Im a full bred vampire" his eyes shit blood red his skin got shined when he did full bloods are very powerful they could compel you to do things and make you forget you even did them they where also fearless. "And you y/n" Jungkook spoke everyone looked confused except him and Yoongi "what do you mean she's human"jimin smiled "no since the first day I saw her she felt differen,could feel her from a mile away,plus I saw h~" "Ima vampire hybrid" you finally say before he finish letting your breath out. Yoongi lookes even more confuses "a what" Yoongi said "a vampire hybrid" "I've never heard anything like that"

"Okay well i wasn't supposed be born my dads pack killed them when I was you young,but anyways my mom was a vampire and my father was a wolf" they all had theirs moths open " that's impossible" Namjoon studied you " IM a here so not Joon it's not" " so you have wings like me but you have claws like Jungkook?"Yoongi ask you nod "I don't run on my fours but run on my two feet when I shift into my wolf because my vampire side was made for speed" "you could mate to either species with out breaking any of the laws,but technically your existence is breaking the wolf law and vamp" Namjoon said god he was so intelligent,griffins where know for their intelligence. "Yes technically speaking" "what color are you wings y/n" Hoseok curiosity grew "mine are white" "wow very pretty" he adds "wait what color are yours Yoongi?" You turn to him he smiles at you "like a blood red" his eyes flash telling you that,that was the color.

" how do y'all live so peacefully around each other?" You finally asked " well we have our moments,like you just saw but we are all outcast at the end of the day and we had one thing in common an enemy" you knew as soon as he said those words,you knew exactly who it was "Ki?" You still asked just Incase he nodded in agreement "he's trying to get rid of us,it started the begging of freshman year SOMEONE had to transform right in front of him"he eyed Jungkook "it wasn't my fault he was picking on me,you know that,I was skinny and helpless it was my first transformation"Jungkook growled at Namjoon,he backs of off "anyways,he found out and since that day he always wanted to get rid of him and his little group but we are to powerful and as a group we realized we are unstoppable" they smile as you look at them.

They talk about them selves for hours

It was fine you where curious anyways

"It's 12:00,i should probably get going,plus I have to find dinner" you did every month you had at least feed fresh human blood to keep you alive,the thing was you had to kill the person because you could t compel  and Yoongi knew only  full bloods could  "let me help you "Yoongi offers "okay,is it your time " you grabs your car keys "Sunday but a day ahead couldn't hurt" "I'll be back I'm going with y/n" he kinda yells so they could hear but they heard loud and clear "DONT FUCK UP HYUNG"jimins screamed back,Yoongi head shook.

We where at a bar looking for our meal,you where so hungry your eyes where glowing red. "Calm down y/n" he held your hand. "I'm going to go to the restroom I'll be back,dont do anything until I comeback" he pointed at you and he left all alone at the bar.

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