kody wake up.

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""= lumine talkin **=adien talkin ''= kody []= Elijah (holy mcshit im alive owo)
-Aiden came busting though the door- *I KNOW HE JUST GOT BACK BUT CAN YOU TWO KISS? OWO*
'w-wha-' -kody woke up looking around then at lumine- 'baby what's going on?'
"s-sir can you wait a while, me and kod-" -lumine was interrupted by kody kissing him-
'now get out dad.'
*awe the babies are gonna be so cute*
-Aiden quickly left laughing-
"well now im scared q~q"
'does he expect us to fuck this young?..'
(later cause im hella tired -n-)
'-yawns- why the hell are we outside this late again?..'
"you need to talk to someone."
'but cant it wait?'
'damn, and who are we talking to?"
"eli, kody, i need you guys to make up"
'hell no'
[you said he wanted to apologize!]
"cause he DOES"
'well excuse me, im not the one who went to the hospital .-_.-'
[wait he went to the hospital?]
'-grabs wrist and holds it-'
"yeah. But really can you guys not fight?"
[can you date me?]
'lumine didnt you snap at him too?'
"yeah, sorry bout that"
[whatever, can i just leave?]
'i dont wanna be here either, lumine.'
"fine but if you two fight again-''
-both kody and eli-
['we wont.']
"lets go kody. -grabs kody's hand and walks- bye eli."
[..Whatever. -walks off-]

Ok so fml i tried idk im tired this one yr old is screaming at me nonstop q_q im sorry this short like smh and when i have free time i usually read klance so sCream

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