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HALLE POV:OMGOFH I CANT BREATHE WHAT TF GET OFF OF ME FAT ASS NAH IM GOOD RAY SAY WHATEVER. PRINCE .roc .prod just staring at me Hi o wassup all a sudden they tackle him off off I'm just like thank u so whatcha y'all guys wanna do tonight lets play truth or dare I'll invite Naomi o my girlfriend culo putillas sal sobre ella no quiere tu culo ahora YO cierre trasero para arriba OK um when this bitch speak Taco Bell she said bitch ass nigga when u gonna get TF over it OK O DAMN Halle





























So they invite a couple friends like Jacob L Diggy S and Lil twist they got some ratchet ass names but anywAy we was doing a dance battle so I was killing it with Naomi all sudden I feel a hand on

My ass and I see dig's hand on I get angry real faceSi tocas mi culo u ser carajo lo siento yo wil l matar u rebanada y dados tienes u trasero culo peludo perra ok ok ahora detenerme ok bitch ok yes mam yes mama I mean mam ok

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