Bitch. Slut.

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Leah p.o.v

It's been a couple of days since the "meeting" and honestly I kinda forgot about J. There was more things to focus on than dwell on what his real identity was. Spring break was arriving and I was invited by some acquaintances I made at my previous High School for a pool party. I didn't want to go but I remembered there was debt I had to collect from the owner. Amy, Jessica, Brian, and Carson were going to be there also so I wasn't going to be totally alone.

Lately I haven't been by Ethan's side a lot because Alice is always with him, I guess she really wanted to spend time with a child since they did take me in when I was 17, not really so small. It also seems Esme and Carlisle were fond of Ethan just like grandparents, always taking him out somewhere, they probably miss the feel of an innocent, pure child. But with Ethan getting his own things including his own room I began vaping trying to stay away from cigarettes. I haven't seen Ariel since the "meeting" and for some reason I've been feeling uneasy and I didn't know why.

"You want me to pick you up?" I was talking to Amy while on my break. Yes I finally got a job, it wasn't the best but it paid. "Please Leah, I'll pay for your gas," it was funny how it was supposed to be me telling her to sneak out but she was the one who wanted to sneak out. "Fine. But you better be out before I get there. I hate waiting for you," she kept on talking about random things so I put her on speaker while looking for something to wear. I already informed Alice about the pool party and she was a bit hesitant but she let me go trusting that I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't have made a fuss even if she didn't want me to go I would've just shrugged and said okay. Since it wasn't a formal party I went with an super over-sized white button up shirt  and underneath it was my swim suit which consisted of a black swim top and I just went with black shorts , I got no boob so my breasts weren't going to be popping out anytime. I put my hair in a messy bun and stuffed my wallet and phone into my shoulder purse. It would take a while to drive to Amy's then to the party so I left a bit early. Nobody was home so I made sure the light in the living room was on and all the doors were locked.

"I almost died waiting for you!" I rolled my eyes at Amy, "Get in before I leave without you," She got in the passenger seat. "Where are your parents?" Amy was busy messing with the radio, "Busy with my little sister's piano recital, they took my key since I'm grounded for getting a B in chemistry," she said putting the volume up making the bass of the song well felt throughout the car.

When we got to the party there were cars everywhere. I parked on the grass between two fancy looking cars. I didn't give a shit it was the closest to the house. "Jessica, Brian, and Carson are already in the pool." We walked past some people who I think I've seen somewhere in my life but at the same time I haven't seen them before. We had to go through the kitchen to get to the backyard so I opened the cooler and took out a can of beer and opened it. "You're already drinking? You better not get drunk later," Amy said dragging me outside where there was also loud music playing, people making out, and others jumping into the pool. "Leah, Amy!" Brian was standing up in the pool waving at us. He and Carson were wearing shorts, expected, and Jessica was wearing a off-the-shoulder swimsuit. "Come on you guys, join us," Amy was already taking her outer clothes off revealing her two piece suit . I took off my over-sized shirt and put it next to Amy's clothes. "Finally showing off that tattoo  and belly ring," Brian said looking at me, he was talking about the one on my back. As long as I could remember I dreamed a lot about the woods and the full moon, so I decided to get it tattooed, I felt something every time I looked at it but it was an hard explaining feeling. I had little tattoos on my body but this one was probably the one I liked the most.

We all had a beer in our hand as we talked about what happened in out life so far. Amy was the same as always with her parents over-favoring her younger sister and them taunting her about her broken hands. Brian's love life wasn't going as smooth and I swear Carson kept stealing small glances at him. Carson wasn't anything interesting to mention. Jessica had beaten up her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her so she gave him bruises on his face. I just told them about Ethan and how Alice was taking care of him now. We drank, splashed water on each other, and vaped. "Well I didn't think the losers of the school were going to be here," I turned around to see a head of dyed red hair and a chest full of plastic. I stood up in front of her her and her plastic followers. "Your not talking about them are you?" I said looking at her up and down. "So what if I am? Who are you to interfere?" She turned to Jessica, "I heard that you sucked in bed and didn't even make him come once," she smirked at Jessica who was looking down either in embarrassment or anger. "The four losers hanging out together, how typical," nobody talks shit about my friends. I instantly grabbed a hold of her dyed hair and brought her to the ground and began punching her. "Leah! Stop!" I didn't care that Jessica and Amy were trying to stop me or that my actions brought the whole party over. "Bitch! My father will have your family on the streets!" The bitch beneath me kept saying but I smirked and continued punching her at some point her small gold swim top came off revealing her breasts and it seemed like she didn't care, like the slut she was. She tried to get a hold off me but I threw her in the water, she came up with black makeup running down her eyes. As she tried to get back up I got in the water and pushed her head down every time she tried to get up. I wasn't going to kill her but I sure was going to make her experience being on the verge of death. "Leah! Stop! I don't want a dead whole polluting my pool!" I heard someone yell and I turned seeing the owner of the party. He helped a lot by making me not waste my time looking for him. I pulled the girl up and gave her a punch in her stomach before leaving her in the water for her friends to get her. "Are you okay Leah?! Oh my god Leah that was awesome, but you didn't have to do that, she'll destroy your family," Amy said in worry, Jessica also kept saying the same thing, but Brian and Carson were thumbs up with a smile. "Hey Leah, I didn't think you'd come. Loved your performance but maybe keep it a bit less...bloodier?" I looked at the guy who told me to stop earlier. "I forgot your name but we had some business together and I'm here to collect it," I got straight to the point not caring about what was going on and who was listening. "Of course. Come inside and we'll get it sorted right away. Someone take her out of the pool and close it, the party is over with the contamination in the pool," there were groans and foul words being thrown at the red head who was pulled out of the pool looking dead. I smirked and followed the dude inside.

"Take your time and count it," the dude handed me a bundle of money. I did exactly what he said and started counting making sure it was the right amount with the interests. Since I wasn't under Dan anymore I got to keep the money for myself, but I wasn't one of those who went and blew if off in one go. "Nice doing business with you," I was about to leave but he said one last thing before I descended the stairs. "About the girl earlier, her father holds a lot of power, so I won't be able to help you," I didn't respond. I doubt I would even see him again he was like all the other customers and I never bothered to remember their names even when they told me.

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