Chapter One: The Awakening

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Star awoke in a cell, she knew what this place was by the scent. Where rogues go, she remembered the scent back when she was a pack wolf. She felt rage and went to the bars, massive amounts of growling involved. She touched the bars with her muzzle and jumped back with growl and yelp of pain. They were made of silver to keep things in, specifically werewolves. She was wild with rage, no one was in the cage with her. Phoenix was silent on her end, Star could feel her alive. She didn't know how to help the one she loved. She silenced her own growls, listening for others. She could hear breathing and some random talking. She resumed her low growling, waiting for those wolves or now humans to come back so she could kill them. She could tell no Alpha was present here otherwise the Alpha would tell her if she lived or not. Star thought of food, when would it come to her? She smelt someone next to her cell, she could tell it was a werewolf but in its human form. "Shhh, growling like that won't get you anywhere besides a grave you dumb girl.",the male voice called out. He sounded young yet still annoyed. This enraged the young wolf, she snarled in response. He still kept on talking. "You best shift into a human, you can't talk in wolf form.",he said. Star stopped her growling, she can't because Phoenix can't bring enough energy to shift. Her growling was now done, she was worried about her human side. She didn't want to lose Phoenix until it was their time to go. "Are you a human yet? My scent down here is utterly useless, too much silver.",he complained. Star growled back at the other werewolf. She could understand everything that was going on around and even talking after years of not hearing it. She spotted the frail blankets, rage filled her and ripped it apart. She shook her head hard, taking her rage out on the blanket. She took hard ground instead on some useless things she hated with a passion. "I can hear you taking apart the only nice thing we have down here. Pity.",he laughed with a smirk. This werewolf doesn't know life down here. Star simply growled, some others sighed. This was only the voices they heard down here besides the High Rankers. Star closed her eyes, she was curled in her ball with her tail on her muzzle. "Just you wait Little Wolf.",the male voice yawned. Star growled loudly, instantly hating the voice. She would kill him once she got out of this hell hole.

Star snarled as she heard people walking down some steps. She raced at the gate, snarling at the familiar scent. "Hey young wolf, you better stop because they don't hesitate to kill. I mean this is Stone Hedge Pack.",he smirked. Star roared in rage, she could feel rage inside of her. Phoenix was interested in the people, she was merely listening in on everything. "I'm Beta Zero and this Lead Warrior Red.",Zero said, hating the growling this black and white wolf. "Zip it and listen you mutt.",Red growled out. Star snarled louder the other, wanting to power him out. She did stop her loud growling but did some low annoyed growls. "You better shift so we can talk. Otherwise we'll beat it out of you.",Zero spoke. Star pulled her ears back with a snarl, her fangs showing. "She can't.",the voice said, sad like. "How do you know this, Mike?",Zero mocked. "I tried telling it and all I got was growls but fear was laced in.",Mike responded, he sounded drained. Star snarled, she didn't want to be seen as some fearful werewolf. "Let's see what Alicia has to make some shift.",Red said to Zero. "Yes, and Mike, Alpha Alec will be here in less than a month.",Zero replied. Mike groaned with aguish. Red smiled sadly at the other rogue, that was his cousin. He bid his farewell and left Star's sight. She frowned, less than a month to learn how to shift. Phoenix muttered something only Star could manage to hear. "We might need a mate to make me better or least smell him.",she whispered. "You could be right, but i can't tell anymore. I'm more rogue than pack.",Star whined. Phoenix gave a faint smile and slipped into a blank sleep. Star let her sleep, Mike was her target so was Zero and Red. A lady came down, piles of meat and a drink was in hand. Star ran at the gate, snarling and snapping her jaws, angrily. The lady had two bowls. She quickly slid them under the cage door, Star gave the bowl a sniff. She ate the meat, it didn't feel alive and cold. She didn't like the taste, she was use to killing living prey. The water taste less wild, like it came from a bottle. Star finished it off and got in the back of the cell, she started clawing at the cement. She was bored and worried for Phoenix. The thought of some alpha being her mate, made her angry. Star had nothing in her cell to tear apart.

Star woke up in the same cell. She held a whine, she was losing her wolf rage. This was a breaking point, she has been here for two weeks now. "Two weeks left till he comes. I'm so nervous, he's going to dictate if I die from my silly mistakes.",Mike always cried about this. Star gave a low growl, that's how she always said to him. The two weeks of knowing each other, a fraction of hatred broke from her. He understood the growls and could talk to Zero and Red for her. Mike smiled sadly when he heard that friendly growl. Zero was nicer than Red, Red always said he would rip her throat out if she didn't shift soon. He gave her until the Alpha comes. She always snarled and tried to attack him in a blinde rage. Zero and Red walked down, they were always together when they came down here. "The Alpha has arrived early.",Zero spoke with unseen joy.

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