Part 7: Hide and seek

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The forceful wind blew tearing all the remaining leafs on the trees away, Craig looked at them while passing the church on his way to the woods and the Library, they were dead and naked, just like he might be soon if Tweek catch him up.

He was exhausted yet seemed to hold it better than Tweek now, the blond was fast, but just like his panic attacks every outburst consumed a lot of his energy, not eating properly and his lack of vitamins reflected in his height condemned him to just quick but violent outbreaks and after a minute he began to be left behind creating some distance between him and Craig, who wasn't the best runner but could hold a little longer.

Between the trees he finally spotted the building, and knowing the blonde was on his heels he decide to just jump through the window charging like a bull, breaking the glass and falling to the floor.


Craig cried out once he realized some pieces of glass were attached to his skin. For someone who likes the logic and reasonable thinking that wasn't really smart. Glass was different to people anyways.

"At least is not that bad..."

He exterminated his injuries, none of them were too deep, thank God only the smallest crystals decide to crawl on his skin. His palms were dye red and his soaked clothes just helped extending the blood all over him and the floor making it look worst than it actually was.

Struggling a little feeling dizzy for the impact he finally stood on his feet and walked between the book sheds leaving a bloody trail behind him on the floor and everywhere he touched looking for support to stand up.

It didn't take Tweek for too long to reach the place, while trying to catch up on the skinwalker he could hear a noise and a growl. He looked up at the window, it was broken...


Pieces of glass of different sizes and shapes decorated the floor on a chaotic disarray and a red path started from there and inside the building, there was blood on the book sheds too. Like if something has been fighting for it's life and got dragged away trying to hold on anything to not be murdered.


Tweek put his hands on his mouth, what if this was the place were Craig was being hold against his will, what if that thing dragged him to hide him or kill him knowing Tweek was gonna find out this place!? WHAT IS CRAIG WAS STILL ALIVE AND FIGHTING RIGHT NOW FOR HIS LIFE!?


The scream echoed in the empty building lasting a few seconds before die. The noirette looked around for either a place to hide or Tweek's figure, he hoped he could find the first one before seen Tweek.

He wasn't bad injured but it still hurt, the tiny glasses encrusted in his palms were painful and didn't allow him to apply enough strength to move heavy objects and shield himself, he had to find an easy access soon as some steps could be heard crushing the crystal shards.

He walked around in silence. As a high level thief, sneak around without being noticed was piece of cake, yet the environment didn't help him at all. It was way too dark and the pain in his body turned his usually smooth movements clumsy as he bumped into a pile of old books.

"Agh! Fu-!"

"Craig?...." Silence, the raven froze at the call. He was close... "Where are you?..."

Last time talking didn't end up good. Craig's brain finally yelled at his legs and started running as he could. He was almost falling the whole time, heavy breathing still on pain for the window crash and trying not to hit anything in the darkness.

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