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puffing a held breath from his rosy cheeks, yoongi dropped the final box onto the little remaining space on my dining table. he flopped onto the nearest sofa chair to catch his gasping breath. they couldn't have picked a better day to maintenance the elevators.

"you have less than i thought you would," he raised his eyebrows carelessly at my remark, discarding all anxieties about his invasion of my flat.

"it really won't be long," yoongi's obsession with causing inconvenience was endearing. little did he know, i genuinely longed a company like his.

though, telling him likely wouldn't go down well. he didn't strike me as a sentimental person.

"there's a spare room. it's not much, but it's enough," i offered, opening the fridge to draw out two cooled water bottles. i threw one onto the pillow next to him carelessly. he raised it above his earlobe; a silent gratitude.

"i'm fine on a sofa."

"but you're better in a bed. i even bought a new duvet for the winter," i heard the failure in his argument in the sharp breath projected into the now half-empty bottle. there's a thin line between humble and self-discipline, but it seemed that, to yoongi, that line might as well have been invisible.

he needed to get out again. i missed a-walk-through-a-park yoongi.

"right, we're getting out. come on," i swiped my small shoulder bag from the side table by the balcony, and moved to open the door, "come on!"

i felt like a mother dragging her son away from video games, and ironically, he shuffled over like one too.

"we're going shopping."


its been a while lol.

i won't keep this note here, i just wanted to say that i'm gradually getting back into writing again. school's a bitch

this isn't much, but it'll do for now

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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